Main topic/Hauptthema: Border/Grenze

(Qestions are in the field of cultural evolution.) 

Interviews in speech (original recording) and in writing

- 'I' as a third person in own childhood memory 

The retrospection of the place


Interviews_RM_01_a_roh (extract) 

"Grenze"–auf Kindheitserinnerung zurückblicken 


Synonyms and Antonyms of border

1the line or relatively narrow space that marks the outer limit of something 
  • a rug with a fancily embroidered border
Synonyms of border
Words Related to border
Near Antonyms of border
2a region along the dividing line between two countries 
  • people who live on an international border get used to carrying a passport
Synonyms of border
Words Related to border