
Image and Sound


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Page: Raum strategie: sptial installtion draft_1

Artistic research: „N.N-Zwischenliegend“ – non calculate time, space and body_Sound


The area around the Berlin Wall in Kreuzberg, Berlin-Mitte, Friedrichshain and Treptower where I photographed is very complex in Berlin historically., and the history of the city's architecture and urban development is also interesting from the aspects of Architecture, Sociology, History, Art and Culture history, Economics and Politics.

-> Background of N.N-Zwischenliegend

This area is currently protected by the city of Berlin as an important cultural property.

Even overcoming the differences in laws between the two sides of the wall, the different cultures of this town and German culture are woven into one form, backed by the history of each era. This area is home to Berlin's first social welfare housing area.


Wars break out on the borders between extreme countries. Most of the time, there is an overlapping ambiguity between the two countries that maintains the peace balance.

The international situation of humanity in the 21st century is one in which each country is changing while influencing each other. However, the current situation is that location and linguistic cultural characteristics do not have such a large influence.

I researched in the history of "new residential town planning" and artificial settlements since World War II.

For example, Chicago in the United States. In Chicago, which planning was by the Bauhaus architect.

The Bauhaus can be broadly divided into its early period and the period when Germany's right-wing government took over.

I research the differences between urban planning in this region and Bauhaus urban planning.
-> Articitc Research Urban Hub

For the performance in the installation "N.N-Zwischenliegend" - the Berlin Wall

Peace, Profane and Nightmare for Memorial

All of these photographs were taken by chance and through natural light, without intention, and without post processing.


What can we reflect in a corner of Berlin where south and north, west and east historically overlap?  Perphaps it is an interesting phenomenon of contradiction of historical time.

This project  N.N-Zwischenliegend addresses about what and how we can study from "negative world heritage sites".

Transit between two territories

on Objectivity and Subjectivity

Auf dem damaligen Todesstreifen (Berlin Mauer) heute (2014–2019)

On what was then the death strip (Berlin Wall) today (2014–2019)

As I took photos at the site of the Wall, which was only a small part of Berlin, I realized what a city full of scars and deep wounds.

It is an exploration of the city's historical period through people's memories.

The city breathes inadequately, with time and memories of each individual's life and time coming and going with "your" and "mine" lives side by side.

Laws of Nature, Explanation, and Semantic Circularity

Erica Shumener

The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Volume 70, Issue 3, September 2019, Pages 787–815, https://doi.org/10.1093/bjps/axx020
Published: 30 November 2017


Humeans and anti-Humeans agree that laws of nature should explain scientifically particular matters of fact. One objection to Humean accounts of laws contends that Humean laws cannot explain particular matters of fact because their explanations are harmfully circular. This article distinguishes between metaphysical and semantic characterizations of the circularity and argues for a new semantic version of the circularity objection. The new formulation suggests that Humean explanations are harmfully circular because the content of the sentences being explained is part of the content of the sentences doing the explaining. I describe the nature of partial content and demonstrate how this account of partial content renders Humean explanations ineffective while sparing anti-Humean explanations from the same fate.


The historical circumstances carved into this city are facts, and this is a reflection of those historical facts from today's aspect.

N.N-Zwischenliegend_6085, 2019
Triple exposure, B&W, Digital Photography

Walter Benjamin: “A Contradictory and Mobile Whole”

Adapted from Walter Benjamin: A Critical Life, by Howard Eiland and Michael W. Jennings

"Within this shifting field of operations, Benjamin conducted himself from an early age in such a way as to realize “the many modes of existence inherent in [him].” If Nietzsche saw the self as a social structure composed of many wills, Benjamin conceived it as “a set of pure improvisations from one minute to the next.” It was in keeping with a precipitous integral dialectic that this utter lack of personal dogmatism coexisted with a sovereign and sometimes ruthless power of judging. Of course, the pronounced multiplicity of the phenomenon of Walter Benjamin does not exclude the possibility of an inner systematic, or of a textural consistency such as Adorno posits in referring to his friend’s extraordinary “centrifugal” unity of consciousness, a consciousness that constitutes itself by diffusing itself into the manifold."


N.N - Zwischenliegend, I dedicate Rosa Luxemburg


Artistic research: What is musical error?

'Time and Space' in this project is respective economic and social dimensions as object (entity) in terms of body (respective person) and its space and time as subjective such as memory, feeling, emotion, and so on.

From an architectural point of view, I am not talking about the abstraction of "Walls," the interruption of time and existence in space, or the division of territory, but rather the difference in time and space caused by a certain kind of transmissibility. These are closely related to the concept of "capitalism" and the existential system.

In 2024

Radio broadcast:

2020 „N.N-Zwischenliegend“-Non-calculable time, space and body, Vol. 1 |

Kurzstrecke 95

Feature, Hörspiel, Klangkunst, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Germany (broadcast date: February 27, 2020)

The way of seeing this photograph is that the movement is not toward the other side or towards the viewer, but rather an image exists between the viewer and the other side.– both are “The one who sees and also who is seen“

Walter Benjamin

A Critical Life

Howard Eiland

Michael W. Jennings

Walter Benjamin is one of the twentieth century’s most important intellectuals, and also one of its most elusive. His writings—mosaics incorporating philosophy, literary criticism, Marxist analysis, and a syncretistic theology—defy simple categorization. And his mobile, often improvised existence has proven irresistible to mythologizers. His writing career moved from the brilliant esotericism of his early writings through his emergence as a central voice in Weimar culture and on to the exile years, with its pioneering studies of modern media and the rise of urban commodity capitalism in Paris. That career was played out amid some of the most catastrophic decades of modern European history: the horror of the First World War, the turbulence of the Weimar Republic, and the lengthening shadow of fascism. Now, a major new biography from two of the world’s foremost Benjamin scholars reaches beyond the mosaic and the mythical to present this intriguing figure in full.

"The underlying assumption of neuroconstructivism is that there is an external reality which is only given to us through representations in our mind. This fundamental assumption of an inner mind being separated from external reality is challenged by the current concepts of embodied and enactive cognition (Varela et al. 1991, O'regan & Noe 2001, Thompson 2005, 2007, and others). From an enactive point of view, reality is not something predetermined and external, but is continuously brought forth by a living being's sensorimotor interaction with its environment. Hence, the idealistic conception of perception ignores the fact that as embodied subjects we are not locked into our consciousness. Embodiment does not come as an external addition to perception, but, rather, it is constitutive for it. We must be physically in the world, be related to it, be able to move and act in order to perceive anything at all. It is only the dominance of an epistemology based on our visual sense and its metaphors (picture, perspective, representation, etc.) which makes us forget our embodiment. As a matter of fact, there is no "outer world" perceive by a passive, bodiless subject, as Magritte's picture ("La condition humaine") suggests. This is also evidenced by the development of vision." ("ecology of the brain", Thomas Fuchs, OUP, 2018, P.9)

I argued his thesis in the beginning of "ecology of the brain" in the German context from the side of Magritte* in surrealism critically, is typical German misreading since 100 years or longer. Thereby, here, I describe it in the context of Kant's in German, the problem of Objectivety and Methaphysic in German languge.
But he explored this contradiction in his thesis, finally he reached out on the topic of assumption of neuroconstructivism from the aspect of critical theory.

*René Magrette (1898 – 1967) was a Belgian surrealist artist known for his depictions of familiar objects in unfamiliar, unexpected contexts, which often provoked questions about the nature and boundaries of reality and representation. His imagery has influenced pop art, minimalist art, and conceptual art.

Page: Sound-01_Non-caluclable time, space and body

Today proof by contradiction, we learned it in the mathematics at the high school. (We learn this theory untl 18 years old generall, and it's international educational standard norm. If one doesn't know this theory, who just forgets it.) Moreover, the theories of mathematics are studied. Magritte's is more artistic strategy (to manage with artistic mediums) than mathematical theory that is rather for the rejection of convencional symbolic sense. (Gender, Social class, Profession etc.) Today, we don't see pipe any more, but rather we see e-cigarette, at the same time, people start to stopp the smoking. Or lifstyle is more individual today. Magritte had created a new sense of cultural paradox (Logic) in art that is an authenticity of his artwork Ceci n'est pas une pipe. 


scrupulous or exaggerated observance of or insistence on traditional rules or structures, especially in language or style.
"Mrs Grundy's name is now synonymous with narrow linguistic purism"
an early 20th-century artistic style and movement founded by Le Corbusier and the French painter Amédée Ozenfant (1886–1966) and emphasizing purity of geometric form. It arose out of a rejection of cubism and was characterized by a return to the representation of recognizable objects.

What is a purist person?
A purist is a person who insists on following certain rules exactly — to the letter. If you're a language purist, it upsets you to hear someone using bad grammar. Most purists are fans of tradition and traditional rules, always sticking to those rules themselves and often instructing other people to do the same.

2. Pureness:
The state of being unsullied by sin or moral wrong; lacking a knowledge of evil
. synonyms: innocence, purity, sinlessness, whiteness.

Walter Benjamin: Selected Writings, Volume 2: Part 1


Walter Benjamin

Series edited by Michael W. Jennings

Howard Eiland

Gary Smith

In the frenzied final years of the Weimar Republic, amid economic collapse and mounting political catastrophe, Walter Benjamin emerged as the most original practising literary critic and public intellectual in the German-speaking world. Volume 2 of the Selected Writings is now available in paperback in two parts.

In Part 1, Benjamin is represented by two of his greatest literary essays, “Surrealism” and “On the Image of Proust,” as well as by a long article on Goethe and a generous selection of his wide-ranging commentary for Weimar Germany’s newspapers.