So after I found something mostly interesting I moved it over to Teensy to translate in their Audio library web interface to just set up the tools that I would like to manipulate in the code


After this you build your looping and reference behaviours in C/C++ in the Arduino IDE.  This step as well sometimes reveals surprises after you compile onto the hardware system...but there's nothing more satisfying to me then the reliability and amazement when I plug in a power supply and the hardware does its thing.


[mail, 29_06_18]



One thing to note is how I kind of have to work cross-platform in order to develop these sounds - so I started to work with a less than responsive Max/MSP patch in order to sketch out the sound relationships with simple tools repeatable in the Teensy Audio library, however the Serial comms are notoriously lagging in response, and the sounds don't translate "exactly" when you make that translation.