This interview with Hanns Holger Rutz was conducted by Peter Purg for the podcast series of MAST – Master Module in Art, Science and Technology, an EU project with which Almat has collaborated in several occasions. This interview was in Madeira during a MAST workshop in February 2020, still looking forward to the summer without any implications by the Coronavirus.

{kind: caption, function: overview}

Interview "podMAST": Feb 2020

1'02" origins, biography
3'39" "Algorithms that Matter"
4'17" how much does or can the advancement of technology, the spreading of algorithms, etc. influence both, on one hand, everyday life, the economy, the social realm …
6'25" … and on the other hand the artistic field?
9'20" "DIY" approaches, and programming your own software; what do you get from the time invested?
12'45" finding a path
13'35" going away from products, developing a proper language
15'12" programming languages for creative computing
18'43" how do you develop a research strategy?
22'50" experiment and agential aspect of technology, epistemic investment
24'48" about MAST - how should MAST students navigate in their programme?

{kind: resume, origin: spoken}


meta: true

author: hhr

persons: [hhr, Peter Purg]

function: statement

keywords: [technology, algorithms, computer art, DIY, programming, research, language]

place: Funchal

date: Feb-2020
