Artistic research by Charlotte Østergaard.
Main supervisor: Dr Sofia Pantouvaki.
Second supervisor: Dr Camilla Eeg-Tverbakk.
Malmö Theatre Academy. Artistic Research in Performing Arts.
Director of Studies Professor Sven Bjerstedt.
Head of Subject Senoir Lecture Sofie Lebech.
Welcome to the artistic research PhD thesis by Charlotte Østergaard.
At the centre of this research lie three artistic projects. In AweAre – a movement quintet we listened to the AweAre (connecting) costume and discovered that it was a co-performer with a demanding voice. In Community Walk we explored how the connecting costume “threw” us in multiple directions: it evoked playfulness between us and with others (people and urban/nature elements) while at the same time provoked a strong sense of exposure. In Conversation Costume we explored how an assembly of costumes invited us to co-create different connections and/or compositions with the space and with/between us and other people, and we experienced that the costume assembly lead us in surprising and unexpected directions.
With this research I suggest that it is critical that in co-creative situations we cultivate our listening abilities towards human and more-than-human others and I argue that costume is a tool that enables us to do so. Moreover, I argue that co-creativity is a call to listen, which implies that we must host with communal hospitality.