Information for Policy Makers

The PD Kunst + Creatief is a research-intensive training program that trains highly qualified, investigative professionals in the arts who ‘learn to intervene in complex practices’ at level 8 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).


Mono- and multisectoral art schools
A characteristic of the Arts and creative sector is that practice-based research involves both interventions in its own arts and creative domain and/or a focus on other societal domains and issues. It includes creative production, design, curatorial and pedagogical practices, and this does not exhaust the list. This diversity and multidisciplinarity is also reflected in the training and research of the fifteen institutions that are jointly shaping the pilot for the PD programme in the Arts and Creative sector. It involves both monosectoral-art schools and the arts and creative studies in multisectoral schools.


The Arts + Creative PD programme does justice to the diversity in the sector. At the same time it has a clear demarcation with respect to other PD programmes and with respect to university PhD programmes in, for example, the humanities. This does not alter the fact that collaboration is possible with other PD programmes and with the universities.


For requirements, finances and further information about the programme: read the report
Find all the relevant forms in the document archive
If you want to send in a proposal for a PD trajectory within the programme, please contact: the PD supporting office