The PD Arts + Creative is a research-intensive training program that trains highly qualified, investigative professionals in the arts and creative sector who ‘learn to intervene in complex practices’ at level 8 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
Graduate Network & 15 institutions in the Arts and Creative sector
The programme is best characterised as a collective customisation, provided by the Graduate Network in conjunction with the participating Dutch art and design schools. These fifteen schools are jointly shaping the pilot for the PD programme in the Arts and Creative sector: HKU, Rietveld, AHK, HvA, University of the Arts The Hague, Hogeschool Rotterdam, Codarts, Hanze UAS, Avans Hogeschool, Buas, Fontys, DAE, Zuyd, Artez and InHolland.
Providing resources
All participating schools offer a local research context in which the possibility for inter- and transdisciplinary cross-fertilization exists, and an infrastructure in which (inter)national exchange is realized. In this environment, the PD candidate has access to adequate financial and infrastructural resources, as well as staff and technical support to carry out the research. The institution also gives the candidate the opportunity to teach about the candidate’s research.
The participating art schools are responsible for the initial recruitment and selection of PD candidates. This is done based on a research proposal (download page). The decision on the candidates formal nomination to the Graduate Network is made according to the applicable rules of the institutions involved. During the pilot period, the arts and creative professors nominate one or more PD candidates per year to the graduate committee. The number of candidates that a professor can nominate is limited by the possibilities of the institution concerned, as determined by the Executive Board of the institution.
Supervision takes place by a supervisory committee in which two professors take on the day-to-day supervision, and in which two external professionals with relevant (international) arts, design or social practices are involved. Supervision takes place on the basis of a personal Training and Supervision Plan (download page) that defines the roles and responsibilities of the candidate, the supervisors and the institution.
For requirements, finances and further information about the programme: read the report
Find all the relevant forms in the document archive
If you want to send in a proposal for a PD trajectory within the programme, please contact: the PD supporting office