
Open Systems
Actuality and Virtuality from the aspects of natural science (Physics)

Cybernetic systems:

Cybernetic systems: systems capable of self-regulation in terms of some externally prescribed target or criterion, such as a thermostat.
Open systems: systems capable of self-maintenance based on a throughput of resources from their environment, such as a living cell.



Metamorphosis - Ethics and Aesthetics are One - from a Neuroscientific Perspective


Erika Matsunami


Wittgenstein's "Ethics and Aesthetics are One" is the starting point of this research. "In the Notebooks, Wittgenstein states that 'the world and life are one', so perhaps the following can be said. Just as the aesthetic object is the single thing seen as if it were a whole world, so the ethical object, or life, is the multiplicity of the world seen as a single object". (Diané Collinson, The British Journal of Aesthetics, Volume 25, Issue 3, SUMMER 1985, pages 266-272)

Art transcends boundaries of race, nationality and gender. It is a creative act of unifying in the context of humanity, from the subject to the various topics, by asking questions. This point is the lack of "reality" (dealing with reality) from a sociological perspective. But it is impossible to define humanity and reality based on sociological statistics alone–is my perspective of Wittgenstein's "Ethics and Aesthetics are one". Thereby, I examine 'world and life' from the 21st century perspective.


Keywords: transversality; interface (interact); post-conceptual; assemblage; spatiality; randomness; environment; coexistence;


“The logical structure of propositions and the nature of logical inference are first dealt with. Thence we pass successively to Theory of Knowledge, Principles of Physics, Ethics, and finally the Mystical (das Mystische ).“[2]


[2] Introduction, Bertrand Russell, “Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus”, Ludwig Wittgenstein, LONDON: KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., LTD., NEW YORK: HARCOURT, BRACE & COMPANY, INC., 1922, p.7


       “Ethics and aesthetics are one.”

― Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus



The research methodically examines Wittgenstein's theses and at the same time reflects his theses from a critical perspective on the contemporariness of the body and coexistence in the 21st century through three practice-based academic and non-academic artistic research projects.


The first is a cybernetics[1] project by American artist Joseph Nechvatel, who lives and works in France; the second is a photo-optical work and sound composition by Japanese artist Erika Matsunami, who lives and works in Germany; and the third is video art based on sign language by Italian deaf artist Rudy Oriandini, who lives and works as a video creator in Japan.



[1] Cybernetics is a field of systems theory that studies circular causal systems whose outputs are also inputs, such as feedback systems.

Cybernetics' transdisciplinary character has meant that it intersects with several other fields, leading to its wide influence and diverse interpretations.

According to its founder Norbert Wiener, cybernetics is the science of controlling and regulating machines and their analogy to the behaviour of living organisms (due to feedback through sensory organs) and social organizations (due to feedback through communication and observation).



<∼ ⊙♅☄ ∼> Joseph Nechvatal   <∼ ♎︎♑︎☊ ∼> Erika Matsunami  <∼ ☿♏︎♆ ∼> Rudy Oriandini