























The call for contributions for Drawing Across x Along x Between University Borders is open between until 30 April 2024.
We cordially invite all those interested in the epistemological and transformative potential of drawing – including scholars, practitioners and students – to share their works, experiences, methods, discoveries, and insights and engage in cross-fertilisation between divergent fields of knowledge across the university.

Please note that Drawing Across x Along x Between University Borders is an in-person conference and that all submissions must be in English.




We encourage original and experimental contributions, by both individuals and collectives, within three formats that take on the challenge of exploring the conference questions:


Paper presentations have the format of oral contributions with a duration of 20 minutes, followed by a time for group discussion. Presenters are encouraged to explore visual and experimental ways to engage the audience with the questions raised by their work.


Workshop contributions are interactive sessions with an average duration of 60 minutes*. They involve extensive interaction between presenters and participants around an idea or hands-on experience of a practice. Workshop sessions may also take the form of a staged dialogue or debate. A full paper based on the session may be submitted to the conference's final book.

Practice-sharing contributions are live presentations of specific drawing-based research practices involving performative processes, forms of mediated visuality and visuality in context. We encourage presenters to prepare the session with an average duration of 60 minutes*, including a time for exchange with the audience after the presentation. A visual paper or a full paper based on the session may also be submitted to the conference's final book.

*As the duration previewed for workshop and practice sessions may vary depending on the issue being addressed, informal meetings with the organising team will be promoted before the conference to ensure that the programme meets the expectations of presenters and participants.





To submit a proposal, please use the following:

(it will link to a google form)


1. Title/subtitle — Please ensure the title/subtitle accurately reflects the content of your contribution.

2. Abstract — 300-500 words describing the research objectives, methodology and

3. Keywords — 5 keywords to pinpoint the main themes of the proposal

4. Media — in case of practice sharing sessions, please include 3 images (300 dpi, JPG, 3 MB max.) or videos (mov. Or mp4, 3 minutes max.) showing some aspects of your practice-based projects or technical requirements. In case of workshop or paper proposals, you may include up to 3 images (including schemas) to complement or extend the written abstract or the technical requirements. Visual files should be accompanied by a credit caption with the author's name, title, work date, copyright, etc.

5. Biography — A brief biography of the author or authors, including institutional affiliation (up to 100 words)

6. Technical requirements — In workshop and practice sharing sessions, please specify any technical requirements or practicalities for the presentation.






The default practice of our reviewing process is double-blind peer review. However, certain submissions may contain practice-based material that cannot be treated anonymously. In those cases, we will follow a single-blind peer review. Submissions are assessed by at least two reviewers drawn from the disciplinary fields of or related to the proposal.

The conference is open to submissions from various methodological backgrounds. The assessment criteria and review process will take into account the diversity of research methodologies and activities, formats of presentation, and career stages. 

Peer reviewers are asked to use the peer-review form* on their assessment. We invite submitters also to consult the form to understand how their proposal will be assessed.





If the proposal has been accepted and presented at Drawing Across x Along x Between University Borders, we encourage you to submit a full paper as a chapter for the conference's final book. All contributions will be peer-reviewed. 

Further details on how to submit the paper will be provided after acceptance. Please upload the final paper by December 20, 2024.