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Born in 1981 in Belfast, Gemma Anderson-Tempini graduated from the Royal College of Art in 2007. She completed a practice-based PhD studentship at the University of the Arts London and University College Falmouth in 2015 and has been a Leverhulme Trust Artist in Residence at Imperial College London. In 2016 she won an AHRC award for the art/science/philosophy project ‘Representing Biology as Process’ with philosopher John Dupre and cell biologist James Wakefield (2017-2021) at the University of Exeter. In 2023 she completed the Artangel and Leeds 2023 commission ‘And She Built a Crooked House’. She has published two peer review books with Intellect Press ‘Drawing as a Way of Knowing in Art and Science’ (2017) and ‘Drawing Processes of Life’ (2023).

Nikolaus Gansterer


Born in 1974, living and working in Vienna. He studied Transmedia Art at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna and completed his post-academic studies at the Jan van Eyck Academy at Maastricht in The Netherlands. He is co-founder of the Institute for Transacoustic Research. He has been teaching at the University of Applied Arts Vienna since 2007, where he was the first visiting professor for the artistic research doctoral program (2016-19), and is currently a senior lecturer and board member of the Applied Performance Laboratory.

As an artist, performer and researcher Nikolaus Gansterer is deeply interested in the relational field between drawing, thinking and action. Across forms of installations and performances he traces the translatability of phenomena of perception into an artistic environment. In his transmedial work, he focuses on diagraming ephemeral and emergent processes unfolding their immanent structures of interconnectedness, questioning the imaginary threshold between nature and culture, art and philosophy. Gansterer’s fascination with the complex character of diagrammatic figurations has led to his book Drawing a Hypothesis - Figures of Thought (Springer, 2011) on the ontology of shapes of visualizations and its use in contemporary art and science. From 2014 - 2018 Gansterer was leading the interdisciplinary artistic research PEEK-project Choreo-graphic Figures: Deviations from the Line (de Gruyter, 2017) developing innovative systems of notation between the lines of drawing, writing and choreography. 2019-2024 Gansterer is heading Contingent Agencies an crossdisciplinary research project on experimental diagramming of fragile atmospheres, situations and environments funded by the Austrian Science Fund.


Shaaron Ainsworth 

Shaaron Ainsworth is a Professor of Learning Sciences in the School of Education at the University of Nottingham. Her background is in Psychology, Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science.
Her research aims to understand the cognitive, social and affective processes than underpin effective learning and use that to design innovative educational experiences (on and off-line). A particular focus is studying learning with representations such as diagrams, animations, multimedia and gestures and she is particularly focussed on how we learn when we combine and construct these representations.
She works in preschool, primary, secondary and adult education in both formal and informal settings. She has written over 100 chapters and papers in this area and supervised over 25 PhD students with similar interests.
