
























Drawing Across x Along x Between University Borders is an academic in-person conference partially supported by registration fees.

In tandem with other academic events in this field, we strive to maintain these fees relatively low compared to academic conferences in other disciplines. We want to ensure, however, that participants lacking the institutional affiliation that would cover the fees are not excluded. Therefore, we operate with a reduced fee for participants without institutional affiliation and students.

To ensure this model is sustainable, we count on the institutional representatives' solidarity and the financial commitment of our hosting Institutions, i2ADS and the University of Porto.

Early registration fees

200 euros

Regular registration fees

300 euros




80 euros

*(A copy of a valid student
card must be provided
during the registration)

Fees include access to all sessions, lunches and coffee breaks during the conference, access to the conference side events, and the conference's final book with a peer review process. 

Fees can be paid by credit card during the registration or by invoice. For any inquiries related to registration, please reach out to:


Please specify in the subject line:

[Registration DRAWinU Conference]

All persons attending the conference need to register as conference participants. This includes presenting authors, co-authors and listen only delegates.

Cancellation Policy: We cannot offer any refunds of conference fees.

Registration can be made online through the link: