Use case


Depending on the use case and research stage, the creation and development of a Research Catalogue exposition could serve diverse purposes and grow in different ways. This exposition aims at identifying common use cases and exemplifying how expositions grow according to different needs.


The Research Catalogue might be used as a platform for:

  • gathering and storing research materials
  • brainstorming / sketching ideas / diaries and research logbook
  • online collaboration / forming research groups
  • teaching (classes, workshops)
  • documenting artworks
  • presenting research outcomes
  • writing an article
  • publishing artistic research
  • overview of a research project



  • What do I want the exposition to communicate?
  • How can the organisation of media in the exposition support my use case?



  • We wanted to make important informations available and easy to find.
  • Media shall be organised in different tabs (schedule / presentations etc..) with a linear layout



  • I want to share with my colleagues some highlights from a workshop I took part in.
  • The report shall be concise and easy to follow. Media shall be organised hierarchically, according to the different activities.


Thinking about these two questions might be helpful when choosing between different editors. Different editors provide different ways of organising contents in the page, and also allow different styles of navigation.

Select An Editor



Block Editor                                                         Text Editor                                                         Graphical Editor

example 2: workshop report

choosing the right editor

example 1: festival page

Expositions might be created for:

  • publishing artistic research
  • documenting artworks
  • collaborating with colleagues
  • sharing the developments of a research project
  • as platforms for workshops / symposia / conferences
  • etc ....
Identify your use case. Think about:

Responsive vertical layout with variable columns for media and text.



early research stages

late research stages


  • We wanted festival participants and audience to rapidly find relevant informations, on all kind of devices (laptop, tablet, phone)


  • My colleagues should be able to quickly scroll through the exposition and easily identify the workshop activities they would like to read about.


  • Which type of navigation do I want to offer to my readers?

Responsive vertical layout with single text column, media in between.


Preliminar Questions


What's the aim / use case of the exposition I'm creating?

What's the audience for the exposition?

How do I want to structure the exposition?

How do I want people to read my exposition?

What do I want my readers to experience? What is the first thing they see?

Will the exposition grow over time? How?

How do I imagine the process of making the exposition?

What is the structure of your process / methodology?


Graphic grid that extends horizontally and vertically. Media can be freely positioned in the workspace.