08:30 - 09:00

Registration and coffee

09:00 - 09:20

Welcome and symposium opening AR@K & ARF 


09:30 - 10:15

Keynote: Filmmaking the other: Evaluating the truth claims of the contemporary biographical fiction film

Michael Bentham

(FAU 101)

10:30 - 11:45 (AR@K)

Track 1:

Pedagogical Strategies 

(FUN 201)

Presenters:  Irene Velten Rothmund, Olivier Chateau,  Guro von Germeten/David Fielder

Chair: Linn Skoglund

Track 2:

Copy / Truth 

(FAU 308)

Presenters: Trond Klevgaard, Toon Leén, Ana Telles

Chair: Synne Skjulstad

Track 3: 

Towards Musical Reality

(FAU 310)

Presenters: Claus Sohn Andersen, Liv Vester Larsen, Lorenzo Orsenigo

Chair: Jørn Mortensen

Track 4:

Representation of The Other

(FAU 301)

Presenters: Nina Grünfeld, Maxine Gee, Agnete Haaland

Chair: Kai Schwind

Track 5:

Digital track, reecorded talks running in loop all day

(FUN 309)

Presenters:  Soudhamini, Ana Barros, Renata Ferraz og An van Dienderen.

All day - Monday and Tuesday

11:45 - 12:45



12:45 - 14:00 (AR@K)

Track 1:


(FAU 101)

"Sirens Call" ved 10 Percent Human Collective (ca. 30-40 min)

Presenters: Marie Dahlén/Signe Domogalla


Track 2:


(FAU 308)

Presenters: Andreas Oddekalv, Nicholas Cornica/Victor Lazarov

Chair: Jørgen Langdalen

Track 3:

Truthseeking in Storytelling 

(FAU 310)

Presenters: Siri Senje, Elin Festøy, Marie Macneill

Chair: Jørn Mortensen

Track 4:

Perception Machines 

(FAU 311)

Presenters: Vincent Thornhill, Julia Heurling, Ottó Banovits

Chair: Synne Tollerud Bull

Track 1

(FUN 201)

Supervisors´ seminar


Only for supervisors and institutional representatives




Track 2

(FUN 118)

PhD students´ introduction seminar

(only for PhD students who have completed the online introducton seminar to the Norwegian Artistic Research School in 2024/2025). 

14:00 - 14:30

Coffee & fruit

14:30 - 15:45 (AR@K)

Track 1:

On Ethics 

(FAU 101)

Presenters: Marius D. Brandrud, Thomas Brennan, Ilmi -gutzeit Mathiesen / Line Halvorsen

Chair: Kai Schwind

Track 2:

Staging Realities 

(FAU 308)

Presenters: Erik Eger-Schøyen, Jeppe Kristensen, Carly Wijs

Chair: Audny Chris Holsen

Track 3:

Forms of Truth 

(FAU 312)

Presenters: Hilde Rustad, Marianne Nødtvedt Knudsen, Aline Braun

Chair: Signe Domogalla

Track 1

(FUN 201)

Supervisors´ seminar

Track 2

(FUN 118)

PhD candidates´ introduction seminar


16:00 - 16:45

Keynote: «Reality and Performance»

Cecilia Roos, Uniarts Stockholm

FAU 101

17:00 - 19:00

Shared meal and social event
