Artistic Research Forum

The Artistic Research Forum (ARF) is a conference where research projects supported by the Norwegian Artistic Research Programme and PhD projects by students participating in the Norwegian Artistic Research School are presented and discussed. 

ARF is an important arena for a constructive critical dialogue with the interdisciplinary national and international artistic research community.

Next event

The Artistic Research Autumn Forum 2025 takes place 20-22 Ocober in Bergen and online on 24 October.


Registration will open in August 2025.

Photo: Linda Lien

Who can attend?

The conference is mandatory activity for PhD students in artistic research in Norway, but everyone interested in artistic research can register and participate. However, only PhD students in artistic research in Norway and projects supported by the Norwegian Artistic Research Programme are invited to present. All participants must book and pay for their own travel and accommodation. 

Can I attend online?

The conference is not streamed, but the sessions on 21 March are organized in Zoom. Please see the program for more information and links to Zoom.

Is it in English?


The main conference language is English. Please note that a few of the presentations may be held in Norwegian or other Scandinavian languages. If the presentation is not in English, you will find information about the language in the project abstract. 

More than 20 years of Artistic Research

The autumn 2023 marked 20 years since the establishment of the Norwegian Artistic Research Fellowship Programme. You can read more about the history of Artistic Research in Norway here.

Contact us The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills


Geir Ivar Strøm

+ 47 916 35 236

Ingrid Milde

+ 47 977 40 550

Linda Herfindal Lien

+ 47 980 333 12