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VR experiences and softwares

Ancient Hours (2022): a hybrid VR larp using VRChat, collaboration between Nadja Lipsyc (Design) and Josefine Rydberg (Production). Playtested at Grenselandet 2022 and premiered at The Smoke 2023.

Ayahuasca VR (2020): Experience by Atlas V, Small Studio by MacGuff, and Ryot.

Beat Saber (since 2018): Futuristic rhythm game.

Chalkroom (2018): Experience by Laurie Anderson and Hsin-Chien Huang

Dates in Real Life (2024): Series partly shot in VR, directed by Jakob Rorvik and produced by Maipo Films for NRK.

Drift (2015): VR die and retry by Ferdinand Dervieux and Aby Batti.

Eat, Sleep, VR, Repeat (2023): Fatboy Slim Concert by EngageVR.

Gravity Sketch: VR native design software that allows you to model 3D objects with collaborators.

Lone Wolves Stick Together VR: larp designed by Nadja Lipsyc as part of the Norwegian National Artistic Research PhD program. Developed with Breach VR and playtested in 2023. Older prototypes have been tested in 2020 and 2018.

Notes on Blindness: Into Darkness (2016): short film directed by Arnaud Colinart, Amaury La Burthe, Peter Middleton & James Spinney and produced by Ex Nihilo, ARTE France, Archer’s Mark.

Oxymore (2022): Jean-Michel Jarre Concert by Vrroom.

The Under Presents: Tempest (2020): immersive theater piece directed by Samantha Gorman and produced by Tenderclaws.

VRChat (since 2014): social online virtual world platform that relies on Unity-based user-content. VRChat worlds mentioned in this article: Club Babylon by Rikke Jansen (private), VR Furry Karaoke by Duutsu (public), Wind and Grass by Byanca (public).

Welcome to the Respite (2021): immersive theater piece by the Ferryman Collective

What Remains of Edith Finch (2017): narrative video game  by Giant Sparrow 


Eduard Artemyev


Kali Malone

Evigt Morker

Aleksi Perälä

Abdulla Rashim

Valentin Silvestrov

Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith