
Procreate sketch: Cecilia Gyllsén / Shots by: Uffe Mullvad, Kjell Vassdal

An exhibition by Nadja Lipsyc with Brynhild Dagslott & Fredrik Skrattegård (Production Designers), Jon Werede Hope (Light Designer), Trond Lossius (Sound Designer) & Anna Stina Eyjolfsdottir (Artist assistant)//Featured on the video: sets by Cecilia Gyllsén (Doubts) & Hallvard Hellem (the Chamber) with Linn Therese Kollerød /VR prototype: Breach VR/Films & actors: Nadja Lipsyc, Martin Fryklund, Uffe Mullvad, Sylvia Le Fanu, Jeannette Omdahl 

Lillehammer 2019, in collaboration with DNF film students kull 11 (see Act 2)

VR Prototype in collaboration with Breach VR

Final exhibition, 0slo 2023