I would like to thank the following people for helping me with this research project:

- My research supervisor, Wouter Verschuren, who always encouraged me and set milestones.

- My fortepiano teachers, Bart van Oort and Petra Somlai, who gave me intensive weekly lessons over the last three years.

- Richard Egarr and Bert Mooiman, who inspired me greatly in chamber music and improvisation lessons.

- Neal Peres Da Costa, with whom it was a surprise and a pleasure for me to talk with to get a deeper perspective on emulating Reinecke's performance, even though it was less

than 10 days before the deadline.

- Ai Horton, who helped correct my English throughout the text; Eduardo Gaspar Polo Baader, who checked my translations of some German quotes; and (including the two just

mentioned) all my friends and chamber music partners! They have always given me the pleasure of performing and exploring flexibility in music together! Thank you for always

caring and checking in to see if my research is going well.

- Finally, I would like to thank my family in Japan for all their love and support.




Next: Abstract