The Speculative Sound Synthesis Symposium calls for artistic research contributions that explore speculative approaches to sound synthesis, computation and music technology. Speculation here could be understood as a situated oscillation between imagination, experience, and the what-is-yet-to-be-experienced. Projects should aim to productively question and destabilize technological standards in order to reveal implicit technological gestures, re-thinking their aesthetic potential.
Questions that could be adressed in the creation process could include:
- How can the generative potential of computational technologies become aesthetic?
- How can an objectifying perspective be confronted with a process-oriented aesthetic of sound?
- How does the tension of control and emergence play out in artistic practice?
- What are the consequences of regarding sound synthesis as composition and musical compostion as sound synthesis?
Contribution Formats
We welcome proposals that use a variety of formats or hybrids of formats, such as (but not limited to) live-performance, lecture-performance, paper presentation, fixed-media, installation, workshop, exhibition of objects/sounds etc. Any format suitable to the submitted work is possible. However we do encourage and look for contributions that engage in exchange and discussion about the symposiums central themes and questions with all participants, as the central aim of this symposium is to foster the communication and production of artistic knowledge.
Contributions will be alotted 10, 25 or 40 minutes time for presentation during the conference depending on their content and format.
Applications should include:
- An extended abstract (max. 1000 words). The abstract should contain a description of the project and how the proposal will contribute to the symposiums' central topics and questions.
- An indication as to what lenght the presentation should be. Three choices are possible: 10, 25 or 40 minutes. We reserve the right to propose a different duration when scheduling the different contributions.
- An archive (max. 20 mb upload) containing additional image, sound or documentation material
- A detailed technical description. The document should clearly indicate which equipment needs to be provided by the local organization and which is brought by the applicant, describe the setup, estimate how much space and time is needed for setup, as well as a proposition of which space would be suitable for the project.
- Links to additional online resources, if available