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Blatt, D., Evans, K., Farrow, O., Flynn, H., Hammond, A., Kemshell, D., Li, w., Sinka, D. and Uken, K. (2021) Feedback on Lipote: An Interconnected Journey open rehearsal. Interviewed by Roxanne Korda in person at RoguePlay theatre, 30 August.
Edgerton, M. (2004) The 21st-century voice: contemporary and traditional extra-normal voice. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press.
Eichhorn, M. (2021) Interview with Dr Markus Eichhorn. Interviewed by Roxanne Korda on Zoom, 6 April.
Evans, K., Farrow, O., Lesch, C., Li, W., Peng, J. and Sinka, D. (2022) Feedback on Lipote: An Interconnected Journey Showcase. Interviewed by Roxanne Korda on Teams, 22 December.
Infinite Opera (2018) Entanglement! An Entropic Tale. Edited by Infinite Opera.
Kaniewski, A. (2022) Feedback on The Flowering Desert. Interviewed by Roxanne Korda online via Teams, 5 December.
Perryman, M (2018) The Exoplanet Handbook. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Stocker, C. (2019) Chris Stocker recommends Infinite Opera. Facebook, 22 November. Available at: [Accessed 28 September 2023].
Triaud, T. (2020) Feedback on The Flowering Desert short story. [email] (Personal communication, 27 February).