Chapter 2 - 'Librettising' Astrophysics to create The Flowering Desert
2.1 Introduction
2.3 Synopsis
The narrative has two timelines which run in parallel during the opera. First, we have the overture and mélodrames which are the voice of the Measurer (an astrophysicist) before and during their experience of discovering the transits of TRAPPIST-1. Second there are scenes 1-4 which follow the development of the planet Pantele (a fictional planet from the TRAPPIST-1 system, mostly based on TRAPPIST-1e) as it becomes habitable. This involves the help and use of the comet Xoe (an exocomet from the TRAPPIST-1 system) and the Mother Star (star TRAPPIST-1a). To become a habitable environment, Pantele must first generate a magnetic field to shield the planet and its atmosphere from harmful radiations. This happens through a geological process called tidal heating, which causes the inner material of the planet to become molten and fluid. Next it must gain the elements required for life to form, which are delivered by Xoe in the process of panspermia – where an asteroid or comet collides with a planet bringing with it vital elements, and dispersing them with enough energy for them to form new compounds in the planet’s atmosphere.
In order to see examples of the libretto and performance cited in the following sections please see both at these links.