The Oldest Known Fossil Collection

With the image on the right, Georges Didi-Huberman refers to the presumably oldest known sculpture of a fossil.

The stone with incisions is fashioned to look like a seashell. The sculpture dates from 15,000 BP.

Below the seashell sculpture, there is a

pre-historical curiosity cabinet!

It is a collection of strange looking stones put together by a human being who lived in the Lascaux cave during the Old Stone Age, i.e. roughly between 160,000 to 40,000 BP.


Cited from Didi-Huberman, Georges. La Ressemblance par contact: Archéologie, anachronisme et modernité de l'empreinte. Paris: Éditions de Minuit, 2008, 41.


The original image was first published in

Leroi-Gourhan, André. Le geste et la parole: Technique et langage. Paris: Michel, 1964, 212-213.


Leroi-Gourhan, André:

Le geste et la parole:

Technique et langage.

Paris: Michel, 1964, 212-213.