Stockholm University of the Arts – Who we are

Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH) was established in 2014 and have about 500 students and 250 employees. SKH provides education and conducts research in the fields of circus, dance, film and media, opera, and theatre. Through our pioneering educational environment and innovative research, we aim to empower the role of the arts in society. Read more about our research at SKH’s website.

Why SKH is a portalpartner in RC

→ Research conducted at SKH often involves more than text and images and is therefore suited to the exposition format in the Research Catalogue.

Research Catalogue gives us the opportunity to publish artistic research internationally, either through peer-reviewed journals or our portal page.

→ As a portal partner with a portal page, we can collect, share and showcase our research.

→ As a portal partner, we are part of a network of other portal partners and can influence the development of the Research Catalogue.

Make your research visible through expositions
Researchers, PhD students, students and staff at SKH have the possibility to present their projects and findings on SKH’s RC portal page in order to publish, archive, and internationally connect their artistic research through expositions. Expositions is an integrated part of artistic work at SKH.


Research Catalogue
– What is it?

The Research Catalogue (RC), run by the Society of Artistic Research (SAR), is a searchable database for archiving, publishing and collaborating on artistic research. The content of the Research Catalogue is both peer-reviewed and self-published.

Research Catalogue has +14,000 members consisting of students, artists, colleges/universities and organisations.

The Research Catalogue is funded by contributions from its portal partners (universities, organisations, journals, etc.).

Different ways to use RC

Search for artistic research

 Publish your research in journals and on portal pages

 Use the Research Catalogue as a work diary (private or public)

Use the Research Catalogue to collaborate on a project – or to supervise students

Welcome to Stockholm University of the Arts’ (SKH) portal page in Research Catalogue. Here you can access all our published expositions in the Research Catalogue – and get help to create your own exposition. Use the buttons below, or select a page from the menu under "Contents".

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RC – Webinars

Upcoming webinars and workshops open for staff and students at SKH will be published here, as well as recordings.

Webinars by Society for Artistic Research


Intro Webinar for New Users of the RC

RC Webinar – Advanced Creation of Exposition (HTML/CSS)



Portal Partners’ Thematic Seminars

Thursday 10.04 – 10:00-11:30 CEST
Expositions from an Analytical Perspective
Registration: Coming later