Please add words and references to our word-cloud:
Please think through the forum contribution concretely and practically:
1. Short introduction- 15 min.
- group
- participants
- workshop: what are ways of knowing? How are they captured?
(Emphemiral /quipu)
How can essayistics practices transform the interactions/relations between ways of knowing?
- Participants chose a topic/object (on...)
- Cluster topics/objects, chose one topic/object per cluster (3-4 participants)
- Do phase (30 min.):
Caretaker (moderator) makes sure different knowledge perspectives are addressed. Please think about how you want to capture these ways of knowing (essay).
- How does (topic/object) sound?
- How does (topic/object) feel?
- How does (topic) look?
- How does this (topic/object) move?
- How do I experience the(topic/object)?
- How did I personally experience this (obect/topic) in the past? (anecdote)
- How does the (topic/object) relate to references? (theoretical)
- How does the (topic/object) relate to other concepts)
- Etc. Please add
- Share fragments and experiences (30 min.)
- What was/is the interaction?
(3. Wordcloud discussion - 30-45 min.)
Research question:
How can essayistics practices transform the interactions/relations between ways of knowing?
Diverse Essaying
Rhizomatic Essaying
Multitude Essaying
Essaying as Thinking