Artistic Essaying Research and Pedagogy Group
Jez Coram
Expanded, hybrid and experimental forms of essaying in practice-led research and pedagogy
Central Questions for the group:
1. To what extent should we expand the essay through hybrid and experimental forms?
2. How should we produce essays in our current personal-aesthetic-political-technological conditions of crises?
3. To what extent can hybrid and experimental forms of essaying act as practice-led artistic research?
4. How can essaying as practice-led artistic research inform pedagogical approaches?
The intention for this group is to bring together practitioners and theorists working and researching in the arts, or related fields, to consider and develop creative critical approaches to hybrid and experimental forms of essaying based on the above questions (as a starting point).
The aim is to develop an international collective of individuals concerned with the potentiality of creative critical essaying, and how these hybrid and experimental forms of essaying may exist as practice-led artistic research and praxis. Then, how these praxes may inform pedagogical approaches.
At its core the group is intended to be inclusive, accessible, interdisciplinary, cross-disciplinary, and even off-disciplinary to encourage tangential and lateral associations and pathways through individual and collaborative praxis.
When / where:
Five online meetings a year (Zoom or Teams), and one potential face to face meeting as part of the conference
Provisional structure for meetings:
1 or 2 talks, presentations, or shows of work in progress (Individual or collaboration), based on group refinement of the research questions / areas of inquiry, followed by discussion.
I would take up the role of organising the meetings and admin for the group. I would be looking for someone to share responsibility for the group and support facilitation.
Potential contributions:
As a group agree plans for collective exhibitions, conference talks and papers, articles, and special issues.