Appendix  - PhD Activities and Artworks, Spring 2020-Autumn 2024


Here comes a timeline of creating, learning and teaching activities done as part of the artistic research PhD project re- radio


The timeline shows works supporting the central inquiries of re-radio, including:

  • radio art history and context, through curating a radio art archive; reflecting by making audio pieces on the politics of archiving; reflecting on FM ruins in Norway and the almost abandoned frequency spectrum here; writing about SkottegatenFM and histories of mini-FM; a reading group on sound and imperialism that led to making an “audio paper” performance on interference and jamming; joining Shortwave Collective and putting a feminist twist on the crystal radio through hands-on open wave-receiver workshops; taking a week-long training in pirate radio; doing a transmission-lecture-performance on Norwegian radio history in the context of the ocean, distance and communication

  • relationality, particularly via Indigenous research paradigms, through a slow reading group on Dylan Robinson’s Hungry Listening with Ricarda Denzer; organizing a KMD lecture with Shawn Wilson; participating in several workshops on Indigenous Methodologies and settler colonialism; also working with Gloria’s Anzaldua’s notion of the path of a two-way movement, “inner work, public acts” which inspired an eponymous radio piece I made.

  • sound art and radio composition, through mentoring with Maia Urstad; making fixed radio works for broadcast; thinking about constructing/representing near and far in sound compositions; learning to listen more deeply to sounds; taking a course in Ableton and several online courses on composition with Women in Sound; making sound beds 

  • developing transmission-lecture-performances as a form, beginning with Radio Multe Launching into Air; Jamming the Signal; my Midway performance; Monday Lecture at KMD and in Vienna; public lecture at BAS on radio and oceans. This form creates immersive radiophonic atmospheres for exploring radio themes and inquiries

  • voice, after feedback at Midway, focusing on voice as relational space and the difference between scripted voice and improvising voice; vocal sound healing training 

  • conversation as co-creation, un/thinking together on radio, think out loud protocols, an inquiry that started during SkottegatenFM and informs Radio Multe’s mission as a space to explore community and communication in creative and unexpected ways; radio as a unique scenography, with imagined listener-witness, for being and thinking together
  • radio station as artistic form workshops, an insight that emerged over the research project and honed by teaching hands-on workshops at BAS and research and community group presentations, reconfiguring artist into a more collective being and shifting audience members into co-creators of content and meaning








  • the radio station as an artistic form that can contribute to poetic possibilities related to relationality, communication as a relational space between self and self and self and other, a strange space emerged from Path of a Two Way Movement, Jamming the Signal, the shadow/jamming station launched beside Radio Multe, tested in Quantum Society performance, continued in the Seijo & her Soul performance installation

Titles marked in bold include Links for listening to works made in the process of this artistic research. The three central artworks at the heart of re- radio – SkottegatenFM, Radio Multe, and Seijo & her Soul – have a separate Documentation section in this exposition, so those works are not linked here. 

Spring 2020

Radio art research and archiving with Wave Farm

Produced Listening in the Dark, curated and mediated radio art program (2 hours)

Ableton Training

Summer 2020

Signals & Connections, with Maia Urstad for Bergen Kunsthall(42 minutes)

Archive of Future Signals hörspiel for Wave Farm, audio piece (11 minutes)

Fall 2020

Path of a Two-Way Movement for Maekur Collective, audio piece (5 minutes)

Sound composition training with Women in Sound 

Sound and Imperialism Reading Group, Princeton University 

Psyche and Cupid Radio Hour, for Rummur Radio, Bergen (42 minutes)

Winter 2021

Launched SkottegatenFM (Feb-May)  

Presented re- radio to staff at KMD Artistic Research week 

Sound and Imperialism Reading Group, Princeton University 

Seaweed, with Sabine Popp for Elin Már Vister Øyen’s Radio Hopes & Dreams (50 min.)

Spring 2021

Who Are You SkottegatenFM? street party events with Borealis and BEK 

Taught re- radio: Radio Art’s Evocations, BA and MA course at KMD

Published Who Are You SkottegatenFM? in Ecologies of Attention: Artistic Research from Bergen Art Academy (Brandon LaBelle, editor).

Mentorship in sound and radio art with Maia Urstad

Summer 2021

Meltzer Fond: Venø Gård Kunst art residency focusing on song and deep listening

Mentorship in sound and radio art with Maia Urstad

Tenthaus Radio in Oslo hosted Bergen Community Radio (early working name for what became Radio Multe) for a three-hour on-air think-along: What is a radio station? 


Fall 2021

Mentorship in sound and radio art with Maia Urstad

Artist talk, pop-up radio station for Pirate Academy #1 organized by Brandon LaBelle

Radio Multe launch and collaboration with BEK symposium, including Plant Oriented, call-in plant care show hosted by Pauliina Pöllänen with live music by Kjetil Egeland 

Radio Multe Launching into Air, with Alwynne Pritchard, live radio performances for Air Conditions, Seyðisfjörður Community Radio in Iceland, adapted for Tonspur Kunstverein Wien/ MQ21livestream (50 minutes)

Winter 2022

Radio Multe weekly broadcasts including Byen Vår/ Our City featuring Anna Watson, Jorgen Larsson, Anna Szefer Karlsen, Karen Werner, music by Anette Thorsheim 

Mentorship in sound and radio art with Maia Urstad

Spring 2022

Radio Multe weekly broadcasts, plus collaborations with Hordaland Kunstenter, artist Kjersti Sundland, Borealis, Her og Der and BIT Teatergarsjen Alwynne Pritchard and Eva Pfitzenmaier’s Gåologi, including We Meet at Dusk, a lullaby for the day with Kjersti Sundland, Sidsel Christensen, Karen Werner (3 minutes)

Jamming the Signal, Sounding Research, die Angewandte, Vienna, audio paper performance 

Taught workshop on Signal Jamming, die Angewandte, Vienna 

Co-organized and moderated KMD Zoom lecture with Shawn Wilson: "Research is a reflection of our beliefs about the nature of our cosmos, and our roles within it" Open to the public and attended by 35 people from many disciplines

Mentorship in sound and radio art with Maia Urstad

Summer 2022

Meltzer Fond: Radio Station as Collective, fieldwork trip to Berlin + Documenta 

Artist talk, Penser avec les Pieds, Das Kapital, Berlin 

Røst AiR summer residency: ontological pop songs  

A Line Associated to Other Lines, live hörspiel with Ricarda Denzer for Brandon LaBelle and Jill Halstead’s Social Acoustics exhibition, Bergen Kjøtt


Fall 2022

Taught Ontological Politics and Radio for Performing Theory course, Bergen Architecture School (BAS)

Radio Multe monthly broadcast events

Took workshop Nonfiction, Fictodocumentary Film, and Myth: Bending Aesthetics to Critical Askesis in Settler Late Liberalism with Elizabeth Povinelli at BEK

Radio Midway performance-transmission at KMD and at Artistic Research  Forum, Stavanger, NO (55 minutes)

Joined Shortwave Collective, aninternational feminist radio art group

Taught Open Wave-Receiver workshop with Shortwave Collective at PikselFest, Bergen   

Took workshop in Indigenous Methodologies and Creative Practices, Tampere University with Liisa-Ravna Finbog


Winter 2023

Taught Radio BAS workshop, part of Big Wonderful Experiment in non-extractive architecture, Bergen Architecture School 

Radio Multe monthly broadcast events plus special broadcast at the invitation of BIT Teatergarasjen, Radio Multe meets Radio Pata (Roma-led station from Cluj, Romania)

Launched an unnamed shadow/jamming station next to Radio Multe


Spring 2023

Took workshop in Vocal Sound Healing, Denmark 

Radio Multe live performance of Sara Gebran’s Quantum Society in Radio Multe and shadow station with Sara Gebran, Kjersti Sundland, Sidsel Christensen and me

Radio Multe monthly broadcast events, including Amor y Guerra hosted by Åsne Hagen 

Presented Re-imagining the Radio Station for Aesthetic Imaginaries Research Group, University of Bergen

Mentorship in sound and radio art with Maia Urstad

Summer 2023

Took workshop through Erasmus Plus: Free Radio Pyrenees (pirate radio), Campfr, Aulus-les-bains, France 

Created ten-day Living Radio Lab, Struer Sound and Listening Biennial, Struer, Denmark, with Shortwave Collective including “unthinking radio together” narrowcasts

Fall 2023

Radio Multe monthly broadcast events, including Think Outloud Protocols with André Mestre and Andreas Zißler on modular synthesizer

Taught aworkshop on Re- imagining the Radio Station for Independent Community Radio Network 

Took workshop Dreaming with Nonhumans and AI with Suzanne Kite at BEK

re-radio transmission-performance in the dark, Monday Lectures Series, KMD

re-radio transmission-performance in the dark, Blickle Kino, Belvedere 21 Museum, Vienna

Distance, Oceans, Cables, Wireless, transmission-performance, BAS Public Lecture Series, Bergen  

Winter 2024

Tracer, radio-based poetic documentation of “learning with” for Across Minds cross-course, part of Bergen Architecture School co-convening of 2025 Bergen Assembly

Radio Multe monthly broadcast events

Seijo and her Soul, radio piece for Lumpen Station, Switzerland (16 minutes)


Spring 2024

Radio Multe monthly broadcast event  

Live studio artist in residence at Bergen Kunsthall: April & June: on-air conversation as co-creation transmissions

Mentorship in sound and radio art with Maia Urstad

Meltzer Fond supporting zine publication making artistic research accessible to non-academic audiences

Summer 2024

Publication of “Who are you SkottegatenFM?” in Contingent Sounds’ Border-Listening/Escucha-Liminal #3 edited by Alejandra Cardenas

Seijo & her Soul, durational (nine evenings) performance installation at USF’s Visningrommet, 31 August -8 September