I want the finished PhD work to be presented both digitally and analogous. This includes all the artistic works and the Thesis/Reflection. I am collaborating with visual communication designer Mads Andersen on this. He is designing a series of printed publications of the visual works in my PhD. He is also designing what will be the printed version om my thesis/Reflection and making the grid/layout for the Research Catalogue presentation of my PhD. Dummies of printed versions of chapter five (design process, outcomes, and findings) and the work ‘Disobedient Objects’ will be ready 26th of January and I will bring them with me to Helsinki. All the printed publications will have the same format (a little bit smaller than A4 format) and design. The printed Thesis/Reflection will have the same design as the printed publications of the visual works yet be twize as big (a little bit smaller than A3 format) and be the ‘mother’ of all the parts it consists of.
The design of all the printed work listed above will be based on this simple, flexible design principle (see images below).