Unter construction


the effective centre of an activity, region, or network.

Within the barrier-free system of the hub, we transform society's customary prejudices and discrimination into completely different cultural codes.
Then, create a new network of transformed cultural codes and their vectors in a participatory manner while having fun. Launching new economic and social benefits as a result.

These things have already been proposed for more than ten years. With the development of the Internet and its communication, it is even more advanced.

However, in reality, in fact, there are various problems.

In reality, barrier-free systems in many cities around the world have only just started.

What is the meaning of the word sustainability?

Sustainability consists of fulfilling the needs of current generations without compromising the needs of future generations while ensuring a balance between economic growth, environmental care and social well-being.

Why is sustainability important?

Sustainability improves the quality of our lives, protects our ecosystem and preserves natural resources for future generations.

In the corporate world, sustainability is associated with an organization's holistic approach, taking into account everything, from manufacturing to logistics to customer service.

Architecture and social pedagogical aspect:

Aesthetic education:

How is aesthetic related to education?
Aesthetics offers humans the means to heighten our awareness of self and other. Thus, the study of aesthetics in education suggests there is a latent potential that exists in learning beyond simply acquiring objective information to logically discern reality.

Architect-activist. The socio-political attitude based on the works of Walter Segal


Architecture is a public activity, it is political. This truth is particularly strongly manifested in modern architecture, which through merging with political agenda of a welfare state, has been recognized as a tool for shaping the community, both by improving the standard of housing and disciplining people. In this way, architect has been assigned an important social role. The work attempts to capture a moment in the history of the twentieth century, in which a wave of criticism of modernism led to creating a new paradigm of architecture and a new model of architect: social design and architect-activist. As a model of architect's attitude might serve the activity of Walter Segal, his socialized designing and model of constructing houses with the use of self-build method. Segal method is interesting because, on the one hand, it is derived from the ideas and achievements of modern architecture, and on the other hand, it creatively forms part of criticicism of modernist building practices. Libertarian and, at the same time, communal aspects of Segal's methods, together with the ambivalent attitude of the architect, make his work and attitude as co-designer and organiser of the process associated with anarchist idea. Segal method and his attitude of the architect-activist included within it, may be considered as mature model of a modern, strong trend of construction based on the principles of participation and sustainability.


Journal of Architecture and Urbanism

Sustainability - Question for the quality of 'life', enviromental re-thinking -> producing knowledge from the barrier-free real life for a new economy and lifestyle

Green x

Barrier-free and ecological physical (based) community and virtual issue (publishing) in the context of culture and arts between urbanistic life and life in the countryside.

The physical barrier-free community is centred on the context of urbanistic life towards Urbanism, in terms of such as life science, art and culture, ecology and so on.

Artistic research Urban Hub

Participable artistic intervention as urbanistic activism in terms of aesthetics:

Communication from physical action into virtual space (and via online)

Digitalisation of society:

How does digitalisation impact society?
Digitization has a proven impact on reducing unemployment, improving quality of life, and boosting citizens' access to public services. Finally, digitization allows governments to operate with greater transparency and efficiency.

What is a digitalized society?
A modern, progressive society that is formed as a result of the adoption and integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) at home, work, education and recreation, and supported by advanced telecommunications and wireless connectivity systems and solutions.

What are the characteristics of a digital society?
The digital society is characterized by a specific social structure – the network – which functions on the basis of network logics and is empowered by digital technologies.

What are the benefits of digital society?
Digital solutions allow a more efficient use of resources and products can be customised to a degree that was unreachable only a few years ago. Thanks to online platforms consumers have better choice, better quality and lower prices on goods and services. Digital transformation is an opportunity and not a threat.

For the economy, consument and its logistic


Virtual space and communication


An issue is that main language is 'English'.

A German-British architect Walter Segal's notion of the architect is in contrast to the notion of Ludwig Hilberseimer (September 14, 1885 – May 6, 1967), who was a German architect and urban planner best known for his ties to the Bauhaus and to Mies van der Rohe, as well as for his work in urban planning at Armour Institute of Technology (now Illinois Institute of Technology), in Chicago, Illinois.

Walter Segal (15 May 1907 – 27 October 1985)[1] was an architect who developed a system of self-build housing, the Segal self-build method. Based on traditional timber frame methods modified to use standard modern materials, his method eliminates the need for wet trades such as bricklaying and plastering, resulting in a light-weight method which can be built with minimal experience and is ecologically sound.

Ludwig Hilberseimer's concept of the new city in urbanism which was based on the idea of decentralization was a modernisation of human life from tradition to the new era radically. Ludwig Hilberseimer's drawings came out from a biological idea, but it was a kind of formalism in modernity, which was connected with and based on capitalism strongly. And his concept laid the groundwork for rapid economic growth after World War II. – New city, new lifestyle, and new habit

However, in fact and reality, the individual flats in his high-rise condominiums were isolated living spaces and formed so-called "nuclear families" in post-war. Each flat was for a family (father, mother, and two children) with almost the same floor plan. At the same time, the spread of nuclear power generation was accompanied. That was also the efficiency and streamlining of human life, work and education in capitalism economically, which consisted of the nation. – High-technological industrialization and life as a civilization in post-war

In today's contemporary art, we generate knowledge from experience while enjoying art rather than appreciating works of art, or it produces art from the side of knowledge, that is the interaction between knowledge (ethics) and perception (aesthetics). "Play" is important here. – Post conceptual art

Notion of 'play' in art and  culture:

Possibility of Communication for Barrier-free play in the design

Barrier-free is for public communication


on control and regulation by humans and by machine




on languages

on auditory and/or visually

- interpretation

- translation

on space

- flat space

- conjunction between Stufen/steps

on ethics



Evolution of culture and arts, philosophy (of arts)

Possibility of Barrier-free  Communication

"Hilberseimer's regional planning required the study of the 'Ecology of the region'. He claimed that the use of mapping features was necessary in order to discover the possible uses of a specific territory. The Chapter the New Regional Pattern, in the book with the same name, is full of these maps with analyses on topography, average length of growing season, mean annual precipitation and summer temperature, to enumerate some of them.

In the introduction to his book, The Nature of Cities, Hilberseimer talks how the chapter Cities and Defense was incorporated after the effects of the H. Bomb where published. "...decentralization would also bring industry into closer relation with agriculture, to the benefit of both, and would contribute to a solution of some of our social and economic problems. Paradoxically the requirements of military defense may become the deciding factor in achieving these aims.

With these words Hilberseimer claims that airplanes and atomic weapons have made obsolete not only the city walls but also the con- centrated city. "Security can only be achieved by the combination of city dispersion and a high degree of self-sustainable regions able to provide for the needs of their people in war or peace".
The incorporation of the defense topic in urban planning and architecture was a strong tendency during the cold war period. Architects like Buckminster Fuller concentrate his research towards the defen- sive shelter. The Dymaxion Deployment Unit, DDU was a mass production housing unit as the Kidde Kokoon a shelter for a five people family designed under commission of the U.S government by Walter Kidde Nuclear Laboratory." (Hilberseimer, Radical Urbanism, p.193)

"Migration and settlement" from the early 20th century

With the concept and implementation of the European Union since 2000, its national form has undergone great changes on the EU level.

Chaning from coneptual to post-conceptual architecture

In post-war, there were two types of Bauhaus ideas in Germany, one was the Bauhaus for the self-build method, and another one was for urbanism. Both were based in the context of capitalism and globalism strongly.

Now, in the 21st century, the main topic is concerning of materiality and communication in the individual living space, which is well-being about life quality. – changing from post-modernism to post-contemporary era

*Emotional learning. (In the early 2000s, I used analogical audio and visual materials (also the film original in English), but also digital video and sound, so we could see the recording materials directly which was stimulatory.)

There is a computer (program) for the blind disability. (In Japan, there is since a long from the 90s, probably it has been starting since the 80s.)

A blind person and a seeing person can play fair (It applies to the elderly also).

A deaf person and a hearing person can play fair (It applies to the elderly also).


A blind person and a deaf person can play fair (It applies to the elderly also).


That is my experience at the Theater of Disabled and Non-Disabled Actors in Berlin. After the theatre rehearsals, there is training for several months. The group I was responsible for consisted of a group of experienced disabled actors from the company and two deaf and blind trainees who were coached in group and one-to-one classes.

My task here was to conceive instructions and write reports and had meetings with the theatre team, and so on. It takes about half a year for an actor with disability to join while confirming the intentions of each organization and each other. In Germany today, disabled people also receive higher education. They are accustomed to holding high-tech devices in their bodies and using them as part of their senses.

In the case of bi-national disability actors, they speak and understand (in German besed, but) two languages plus English (e.g. e-learning*) today, e.g. Spanish and German, or Polish and German, even if the mental disability.

Climate change, environment, sustainability, accessibility (barrier-free), mobility

What is mobility and sustainability?
Sustainable mobility also includes the important notion of access to mobility, regardless of income or location. Sustainable mobility includes equity in accessibility, with particular attention to more vulnerable groups of the population and geographical areas at risk of social exclusion.

The era of architecture is 'post-new Bauhaus now, that is a digital and information age.

organism: the contrast to Hilberseimer's in the context of Biology-> Artistic research Untitled*

Drawing series o.T (2022) for an audio and visual composition (a composition with language, visual and audio -> artistic research on articulation):

This drawing o.T (2022) is for a blind person(s) and/or a deaf person(s)

(By digital with a computer using a keyboard)

For a blind person(is), the situation will be explained through the coding audio script (hearing), that is the computer program for a blind person(s).

And for a deaf person(s) through  the text (reading)

Or by AI (telling for reading and hearing) in the between position of person(s) or interactive with a person

In my artistic practice, it started in 2000 with my art project 'Sensation of Motion in Time' clearly.