Artistic research Urban Hub by Erika Matsunami

Artistic research Urban Hub is focused on materiality and its semiotics and the construct of syntax from the aspect of cognitive linguistics. The research fields are architecture, visual arts and music.

Research methods are thereby interventional between different disciplines and work in progress.

In doing so, artistic research Urban Hub in inter- and cross-disciplinary and transdisciplinary between Architecture and Visual arts+Music aims for an innovative artistic approach that emerges from the real space.

The project by Hans-Gerd Rudat is based on the concept of Urban infrastructure.

Erika Matsunami explores spatial aesthetic in which terms of transversal aesthetics, and its communication.

In this artistic Research, the role of Hans-Gerd Rudat is a position of contrast to my research, namely, my focus of exploration is between two research positions construction (Architecture) and perception (Visual arts, Fine arts).

The research objective is on the topic of "well-being" as a common in design, that adresses Wittgenstein's for theoretical exploring ontologically and epistemologically. The research is methodologically interdisciplinary in connection with the perspective of cognitive neuroscience (on the body) transdisciplinary.

Reflection and re-thinking of conceptual architecture in the post-conceptual era, on urbanism, sustainability, barrier-free, and communication,

The project Urban Hub Foundation, Hans-Gerd Rudat (m.a.l.v. | raum:aktion:objekt) (Work in Progress):

Artistic research (2022–)
- Common:balance: act, Hans-Gerd Rudat

Erika Matsunami, N.N (Sound Engineering as well as computer science)

- Urban Hub Station, Hans-Gerd Rudat

- Urban choreography (gesture), Erika Matsunami
Urban choreography is a cognitive-based concept as the gesture in design, that applies to disability in city life also. –Possibility of Communication for Barrier-free play in the design

Art project (2023–)

- The project Urban HUB's : Infrastrukturen für eine diverse Stadtgesellschaf, Hans-Gerd Rudat and Sören Hühnlein (m.a.l.v. | raum:aktion:objekt), 2023

Performance and workshop, OIO Erika Matsunami and Chris Dahlgren, Barrier-free action performance in the installation, sonic art (live electronics, 4ch-mono-discrete sound installation) and music (Erika Matsunami for performance and workshop is invited by Hans-Gerd Rudat and Sören Hühnlein, m.a.l.v.)

I/OIO conceive(d) a special issue "The virgin road on the red carpet by Hans & Sören in the context of Joseph Beuys" (working title, keywords: Social emotion; aesthetic parctic; collective co-creation; barrier-free; sustainability) for the project Urban HUB's : Infrastrukturen für eine diverse Stadtgesellschaf of Hans-Gerd Rudat and Sören Hühnlein/m.a.l.v.


My contemplation for the draft (concept) of a special issue "The virgin road on the red carpet by Hans & Sören in the context of Joseph Beuys" (working title) for the project Urban HUB's : Infrastrukturen für eine diverse Stadtgesellschaf of Hans-Gerd Rudat and Sören Hühnlein/m.a.l.v. (the art project Urban HUB's : Infrastrukturen für eine diverse Stadtgesellschaf is made in Berlin, Germany in the EU context.)

Urban HUB's - a participatory art project for and through people with professional artists and academic experts in the urban space by the Architect Hans-Gerd Rudat m.a.l.v.

On The red carpet and an artistic intervention

– Barrier-free and sustainability

A meta-epistemological contemplation from the aspect of aesthetics

Erika Matsunami (Artist and Artistic researcher)

It is the current situation at private venues that as a precautionary measure it is written "Here is not barrier-free".

The interior of public places will be renovated to be barrier-free with immediate effect. A new perspective on architecture makes it easy to use. Renovating to make it more livable is now a new approach. – innovation in the architecture

Re-thinking of well-being and life quality from the perspective of the 21st century

Automation, connotation, consideration and agreement towards high technology in urbanism:

- Protection and monitoring by system control such as computre and sensors




Processing of strip(s) and its mobility, thereby an idea of Hans-Gerd Rudat is the station and the conjunction of between stations.

Station as Hub, its system is known us such as the international airport. The idea of Hans-Gerd Rudat is rather based on the lifestyle in everyday life through an interaction between people and technology biologically.

Contemplation and reflection of desire, requirement and control of the limitation collectivity from the traditional morals to contemporary ethics

From the aspect of humanity, this red carpet will be transformed into another level of

seeing-in, that is the performance(s) on the red carpet(s) in his project Urban HUB's. Thus, his artistic approach to 'performativity' in Infrastrukturen für eine diverse Stadtgesellschaft will be transmitted meta-epistemologically in the social context.

The red carpet/RoterTeppich by Hans-Gerd Rudat as a product, its temporary idea for everyone and everywhere:

- the conjunction of between gaps as well as step(s)

- as a puzzle for a play (spatial aesthetic) in a space physically

Thereby my role of collaboration with Hans-Gerd Rudat since the summer of 2022 as an artist-collaborator and supervisor* for seniors in arts (European higher art education) for the exchange with architecture in inter- and crossdisciplinary artistic research Urban Hub.
The new European regulation for the European art project must be an art educational project in terms of humanities and arts. (from the pedagogical aspect through the arts)

Hans-Gerd Rudat is a German architect for the conceptual planning in the context of infrastructure in the urban as well as urbanism.

*2019 (August–November) PhD in Fine Arts. The tutorial (das einzelne Tutorium) bei Professor Giaco Schiesser (Head of Artistic PhD Programme Fine Arts), Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Schweiz

2019 November–2020 Juni The Cop – The Art of Feedback, Advancing supervision for artistic research doctorates, Orpheus Instituut, Gent, Belgien

Parctical exploring

Urban choreography (gesture)


Artistic research Urban Hub


Urban choreography (in progress)

on gesture in the context of Wittgenstein

Natural- and synthetic materiality and its possible mechanism of ethics and aesthetics in virtual and physical space

Thereby, artistic mediums are art object, digital and hand-writing drawings, digital- and analogue photography (including video), sound/music, installation and performance.

Currently, I as a visual artist and composer deal with topics in the research context of architecture and design, and HG.R as an architect deals with topics in the research context of fine arts and visual arts.

-> This is my research, on whether it is possible to be created a product design from art?, in which terms of the research of the Bauhaus foundation (lab 2023). It is the contrast to the penguin pool, London Zoo.

-> Transformation in German art concepts from political action into recent pedagogical aspects through art.

From the architectural aspect, Hans-Gerad Rudat's idea is geographical and the new framings in urbanism practically.

The project Urban HUB's : Infrastrukturen für eine diverse Stadtgesellschaf by Hans-Gerd Rudat and Sören Hühnlein/m.a.l.v. would arouse emotions and at the same time provide a breathing space in the city.

My task from the aspect of fine arts for this artistic research in the context of architecture and design is to transform 'cognition' in a procedure of terminology in terms of cognitive linguistics epistemologically towards philosophical ontology - methodological transforming from the tradition in each context of language


Artistic research From threefoldness to multi-foldness

is a process of transforming through the changing of 'seeing', thereby the question is on the topic of perception.

What is 'seeing'?

How are  we seeing?

What are we seeing? (We live with our opened eyes every day, as well as we are listening.)

On subjectivity and objectivity


Wittgenstein, Cassiere, Benjamin, and Wohlheim explored the methodological transforming from the tradition in each context of language, which suggested a cultural evolutional process from the socio-political changing democratic process in the established nation.


For example, people 100 years ago were more concerned about race, such as differences in gender and skin colour, as well as for the difference in language, thereby their perceptions were still more animalistic than we are today. Because they did not have enough study yet.

Wittgenstein explored from traditional to contemporary life (automation in a living space) and it was an epistemological method, thereby my suggestion for Wittgenstein's is particularly for the system sensors with AI.

His method of 'gesture' is visible and communicative more than Heidegger's phenomenology.


Why Ask Why? – or – How to Ask How

It is currently fashionable to think that the findings of neuroscience will eventually place strong constraints on theory formation at the cognitive level. Undoubtedly they will. But extreme partisans of this position believe neural constraints will be sufficient for developing cognitive theories. In this view, once we know enough about the properties of neurons, neurotransmitters and cellular development, figuring out what cognitive programs the human mind contains will become a trivial task. This cannot be true. Consider the fact that there are birds that migrate by the stars, bats that echolocate, bees that compute the variance of flower patches, spiders that spin webs, humans that speak, ants that farm, lions that hunt in teams, cheetahs that hunt alone, monogamous gibbons, polyandrous seahorses, polygynous gorillas . . . There are millions of animal species on earth, each with a different set of cognitive programs. The same basic neural tissue embodies all of these programs, and it could support many others as well. Facts about the properties of neurons, neurotransmitters, and cellular development cannot tell you which of these millions of programs the human mind contains. Even if all neural activity is the expression of a uniform process at the cellular level, it is the arrangement of neurons – into birdsong templates or web-spinning programs – that matters. The idea that low-level neuroscience will generate a self-sufficient cognitive theory is a physicalist expression of the ethologically naive associationist/empiricist doctrine that all animal brains are essentially the same.

REASONING Studies of Human Inference and Its Foundations

© Cambridge University Press 2008

-> In this artistic Research, the role of Hans-Gerd Rudat is a position of contrast to my research, namely, my focus of exploration is between two research positions construction (Architecture) and perception (Visual arts, Fine arts).

The research objective is on the topic of "well-being" as a common in design, that adresses Wittgenstein's for theoretical exploring ontologically and epistemologically. The research is methodologically interdisciplinary in connection with the perspective of cognitive neuroscience (on the body) transdisciplinary.

In Berlin, it may be unthinkable, but in Hiroshima after the atomic bombing, the sick and disabled were not the minority, but the majority of the population. They became independent and rebuilt the city, created industries, built schools, created educational philosophies, and tackled environmental problems by themselves. It was coexistence with disability and non-disability.

Exploring urban design (praxis/practice) from the perspective of people with disability and non-disability from the aspect of neuroscience is a part of the exploration of transversal aesthetics and spatial aesthetics practically.

- From and for whom, cannot see, but can listen.
How is the world for whom, cannot see?

- From and for whom, cannot listen, but can see

How is the 'world' for whom, cannot listen?

- From and for whom, cannot talk, but can see and listen

How is the 'world' for whom, cannot talk?


Every human being has risks in life. Anyone can become ill, injured, or disabled. I would like to be creative from those perspectives through sensitivity and human intelligence.

Everyone needs nurturing from birth to adulthood. And all grow old and wither.

In cities, everyone needs an environmental design that allows people to live independently.

Thereby, I explore transversal aesthetics in the context of gesture by Wittgenstein as a Urbanen communication with technology and without technology.

That makes sense for 'my' life in the city too. - on sharing of sense from subjectivity and objectivity.


On sensibility as a human-ability

Beyond intuition,

beyond Kant's and Hegel's from the perspective of neuroscience

Beyond intuition and instinct blindness: toward an evolutionarily rigorous cognitive science



Cognitive psychology has an opportunity to turn itself into a theoretically rigorous discipline in which a powerful set of theories organize observations and suggest focused new hypotheses. This cannot happen, however, as long as intuition and folk psychology continue to set our research agenda. This is because intuition systematically blinds us to the full universe of problems our minds spontaneously solve, restricting our attention instead to a minute class of unrepresentative “high-level” problems. In contrast, evolutionarily rigorous theories of adaptive function are the logical foundation on which to build cognitive theories, because the architecture of the human mind acquired its functional organization through the evolutionary process. Theories of adaptive function specify what problems our cognitive mechanisms were designed by evolution to solve, thereby supplying critical information about what their design features are likely to be. This information can free cognitive scientists from the blinders of intuition and folk psychology, allowing them to construct experiments capable of detecting complex mechanisms they otherwise would not have thought to test for. The choice is not between no-nonsense empiricism and evolutionary theory; it is between folk theory and evolutionary theory.

I think that Western classic as well as Eastern classic philosophy today belongs to the folk theory in the 21st century.

Community in NY, USA

Grantmakers In Aging


GIA is a membership organization that serves as a network and resource for funders, and a champion on aging issues.

Aging is universal, and a society that engages, connects, and cares for people at every age is a healthier and more productive society. Grantmakers In Aging (GIA) seeks a just and inclusive world where people are fully valued, recognized, and engaged at all ages. We see diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as core philanthropic values.

GIA catalyzes change and mobilizes social, intellectual, and financial capital so that we can start to make all investments, aging investments.

Grantmakers In Aging (GIA), the nation’s leading membership organization of funders serving the aging, with the mission to promote and strengthen grantmaking for an aging society, has a proud history. Celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2012, GIA began in 1982, when Trudy Cross, a consultant on aging for the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, organized the first informal meeting of foundation staff interested in aging issues to exchange knowledge and program ideas. Following a meeting focused on healthcare and older adults at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the group created a network of foundations interested in aging issues, officially naming itself Grantmakers In Aging, and publishing the group's first newsletter in January 1983. An early major achievement, in 1985, was a collaborative project with the Administration on Aging (AoA) for an intergenerational initiative.

Designing practical artistic research

On spatial aesthetic

- Spatial idea from physical space

- Spatial idea in a virtual space into a pyhsical space

Es ist klar, daß sich die Ethik nicht aussprechen läßt.


Die Ethik ist transcendental.


(Ethik und Aesthetik sind eins.)

– Ludwig Wittgenstein

Research conclusion in the architecture in this section:


- There is a norm of 'fit/to fitx' in the situation in terms of the aesthetics, such as well-being.

What is the 'situation', and how we can recognise the situation?

This question is a complex one, in doing so, I am exploring practically and theoretically. ->Solving the issue of in-situ (enviromental issues) through the notion of the architecture

e.g. Environmental Adaptability and Flexibility

We all live in a natural environment on the earth.

-> Ethics and aesthetics are one

For the changing from the traditional morals to the contemporary ethics.


Theoretical exploring

Urban choreography (gesture)