
II - Agency: Light

Date + time: Interrelated practices undertaken over two days:

* Practice of Notation-Reflection (Immediate)

[21 September, during 10.50 - 11.45am]

* Practice of Notation-Reflection 1 (Immediate)

[21 September, during 10.50 - 11.45am]

* Practice of Reflection 2 (Mediated)

[22 September, AM]

Short description of the atmosphere: Not so clearly discernible at the outset, rather emergent. A sense of protectedness or containment, a sense of being contained by the wall boundary and attention pulled beyond, sense of the threshold.



Artefacts from:

Left frame: Practice of Notation-Reflection (Immediate)

[Marked video recording / Voicing Observation]

Middle Frame: Practice of Notation-Reflection (Immediate)

[Live Writing]

Right Frame: Practice of Reflection (Mediated) 

[Live Writing]

Presented side by side, visually adjacent