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Between 19 - 25 September 2022, I was an invited guest researcher within the frame of  the Contingent Agencies Cross-Disciplinary Symposium as part of the research project Contingent Agencies led by Alex Arteaga and Nikolaus Gansterer.  A core group of guest researchers (Arno Boehler, Emma Cocker, Mika Elo, Sabina Holzer, Paula Kramer and Andreas Spiegl, together with the key researchers Nikolaus Gansterer and Alex Arteaga) spent the week working alongside, engaging with the project's core enquiry:  Attending to the conditioning influence of singular, nameable agencies in relation to the emergence of atmospheres through a specific framework involving Practices of Notation, Practices of Reflection, and Tactics of Showing


During the week, I explored a network of interlocking, even interdependent, language and lens-based practices (using only my laptop as recording device). In this exposition, I present four 'contingent assemblages' (CLICK LEFT on hyperlinks) - for bringing-into-relation different artefacts generated through a combination of these immediate and mediated practices of notation-reflection.