

Ons genoegen is looking for a brass teacher Music association Ons genoegen Amerongen has been around for over 100 years. At the moment, the association has 36 members and we are trying to expand through various projects. We are looking for an:

Enthusiastic brass teacher (freelancer)

Our music association consists of a brass band and a percussion group. Our students play together in a starter orchestra called AJO (Amerongen Youth Orchestra). We are looking for someone who wants to teach our brass students on Thursday afternoons. Currently, we have 6 students, each receiving a 25-minute lesson. The brass teacher will also be appointed as conductor/accompanist of the AJO. They play on Thursdays prior to the orchestra rehearsal (6:45 PM to 7:15 PM).

Who are you?

You have a Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG) (or can apply for one); You preferably have HAFABRA diplomas A through D; You are willing to actively contribute to the various projects we regularly offer in primary schools to recruit new members and brainstorm how we can reach other target groups; You can guide students towards their HAFABRA exams; You work as a freelancer, but you collaborate well with other parts of the association (music committee, board, brass band, and conductor). What do we offer? A fitting hourly rate based on experience and education; Sufficient space in our own music building in Amerongen for the lessons; A travel allowance based on commuting kilometers. Currently, the time commitment is about 3 hours per week (excluding projects), and we hope to expand this with new students in the short term. Are you the one we are looking for? Then send your CV, motivation letter, and salary indication to We will contact you as soon as possible.