From January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2023, EU4ART_differences is supported by Horizon2020’s SWAF (Science with and for Society) programme. The EU4ART alliance comprised art academies in Riga, Rome, Budapest, and Dresden. The entire amount of funding is around 2 million Euros.

Within the project funding, the following objectives have been set:

  • Enhancing the alliance universities’ research profiles and expanding chances for artistic and scientific collaboration.
  • Promotion of a research culture, exploitation of academic excellence, and strengthening of alliance partner cooperation.
  • Close new ties and strengthen existing cooperation with research and development centers such as Fine Art & Research Labs or graduate schools.
  • Expanding the project’s societal reach, empowering artists, and making artistic practice and outcomes visible.

EU4ART_differences is structured into five Work Packages (WP) that targeted the development and implementation of the project:

  • WP1, ‘Project Management’, was tasked with the objective of managing the resources of the EU4ART_differences project, liaising with the EC, and setting risk analyses and contingency plans. An interdisciplinary team was equipped with agreed working methods, necessary access rights and templates, and works according to a project management manual under the close supervision of local project managers.
  • WP2, ‘Fine Arts Lab Establishment’, was tasked with the objective of providing a methodological framework for the establishment of R&I centres. WP2 included analyses of knowledge-transfer activities and Intellectual Property Rules, the establishment of AR Labs, and the publication of an anthology on Artistic Research.
  • WP3, ‘R&I Agenda and Transfer to Citizens & Society’, was tasked with the objective of developing the framework for a common R&I agenda. WP3 included the establishment of a Quality Management structure, producing a list of cooperation protagonists, and developing of and reporting on societal outreach and on the pilot phase of the AR Labs and Graduate Schools.
  • WP4, ‘The Creative Eco-System’ was tasked with the objective of creating a shared AR ecosystem through the development and documentation of a series of webinars, implementing a knowledge management ecosystem, and promoting artistic self-entrepreneurship.
  • WP5, ‘Dissemination & Sustainability’ was tasked with the objective of providing a common communication strategy for the EU4ART_differences WP5 includes the development a Research and Innovation Transformation Networking (RITN) agenda, and reporting on funding opportunities and dissemination activities.


Inside the European project team:

Till A. Baumhauer (HfBK): Speaker for EU4ART_differences and lead for “R&I Agenda and Transfer to Citizens and Society” (WP3)
Claudia Reichert
 (HfBK): Project Coordinator and lead for “Project Management” (WP1)
Ádám Albert
 (MKE): Lead for “Fine Arts Lab Establishment” (WP2)
Franco Ripa di Meana
 (ABARoma): Lead for “The Creative Eco-System” (WP4)
Jānis Gailītis
 (LMA): Lead for “Dissemination & Sustainability” (WP5)