My critical thinking towards recent feminism (art) is the standard for the sociality of "men and women" and their equality, of course, it belongs to the society and the economy which is based on Marx's theory of Western modernism.

-> In order to bring in a system that is more suitable for human beings, it is a prerequisite that the human beings are not completely incorporated into the system and that they have not lost the ability to resist for and in life. -> TH. W. Adorno "Minima Moralia: Reflections on a damaged life " (1951)






In the works

Funding and Fundraising

This is a content of the community in the UK, is not for a statement, but rather a guideline of the community.
The statement is rather a presentation of each community characteristically. (Uniqueness in each regional location) Because the community is not the collective of a chain organisation in the nation. A profile is what each community is doing practically. (Implementation)

In the UK

I am attending the sessions by the communities in the UK via the Internet, as well as the info sessions and workshop by the Berliner organisation for the Berliner culture and art economy via the internet, after the corona pandemic in 2020

I mention 'post-feminism' is based on Gender studies*.


*Gender Studies provides fundamental skills, methods and work techniques for the analysis of gender relations, discrimination and privileges in social, cultural, historical and political contexts.

The community is a place for and by people

Digitalisation and AI Anarchie (Self-organisation) means that AI does not the tool for the governing people


A higher degree of autonomy is required (Self-management ability: self-governance, and self-employability, even if one is employed). Thereby the role of the community will be more and more important. It might be possible to help disabilities and seniors with their autonomous life.

After Art as 'Social Plastic (sculpture)' by Joseph Beuys in the 20th century,  Art as Social Practice in the 21st century

Joseph Beuys intended rather the British type of Anarchie. Because of the deconstruction of German idealism and its morals. He united 'social sculpture', his theory which was based on his idealistic idea of a utopian society. He had organised an art academic society, therefore, he established the political and ecological movement of "Grüne/Green party" in FRG/BRD. From today's aspect, 'art' would become in everyday life, and art does not by the authoritarian's representation in the question of 'freedom of expression'.

However, Beuys did not deal with the philosophy of Hume and many others, it was his 'found' idea. So, he did not coin 'social sculpture' academically, but it was a unique artistic and aesthetic idea in regard to aesthetic resistance towards German idealism in post-war.

– From Art as Metaphysic in Idealism (The art as the power was used by the politics), via dynamical utopian Idealism (Democratic political movement through the art, is using by the political competence) to Notion into society (recent contemporary art)

Today, many scientists and academicians want to represent through their artistic research 'art as Metaphysics in Idealism' at the museum again. For them, art is Metaphysics in Idealism.

City politic and its policy

There was a great online lecture Art as Social Practice by Xtine Burrough, was hosted by UCLA Art|Sci Center - DESMA 9
Art, Science and Technology Lecture Series


Art as Social Practice
Technologies for Change

Edited By

xtine burrough, Judy Walgren

Published March 8, 2022 by Routledge

Norm without norm

In Germany

West-Berliner 'Verein' non-profit association (Private, Membership)

Finance or/and financial support by the city governance

City politic and its policy

Both in today's Berlin


Norm in norm

Digitalisation and AI

East-Berliner (Public)

In the case of Berlin, is not the private organisation, but rather the public organisation, calls "kommunale (municipal) Lebensgemeinschaft (commune)" mainly.

Thereby democracy means democratic political and policy of the each municipal which relates to the municipal organisation directly.

African Laughter

By Gankhanani Moffat Moyo

The laughter of Africa
 Echoes in the forests
Tingling cackles
Like falling glass
Clear of tears
And full of mirth
The happiness
Of African thoughts
On the rich dark humus
Wherefrom the laughter Is born
The laughter of Africa
Like a spear in the air
Sent to strike cold hearts…
But we are Africans
Whose laughter
Like falling rain
Dampens all hearts
And the tears shed
To give new lives.

Read more at:

Digital global culture and its economic solution through the community:

I mention that is an avant-garde through the community in the digital era, which dose not provide by the big date of the social media in a starting point of the small data.

I think that the small data is not only for the archive.

Thereby the question is always about 'originality' of in-situ on earth towards digital globality.

Whether 'narrativity' or 'virtuality' of representation online?

Commons in desgin

From my research aspect, 'intersectionality' works only in narrativity, but it's better not only ontological way, but rather contradictional, those of diversity.

Commoning in desgin

Practical exploring: Community