My last visit.
I knew I wouldn’t return to the location anytime soon, it is a place best enjoyed in summer.
I wanted to say goodbye.
I had little time to concern myself with the location.
I made a model from memory, to give back to the space.
These two were also there when i had played accordion to disturb the place.
I talked to them a little.
I asked them abou their relationship to the place.
They said it's a quite peaceful space, that they like to come to together.
They seemed in no way put off by our "installation", on the contrary they seemed happy that the space was being utilised for new things.
They also said i should improve my accordion skills.
The location that i chose is a small brick structure in the scheveningse bosjes. The netherlands are a naughturiously flat place, it is rare to find a hill or even a slight rise in the landscape, and even rarer to find a view from such a location. The netherlands are also largely man made, it is difficult to find pieces of nature that don't feel artificial.
The location i have chosen is an anomoly to those two factors, it oversees a lake and is surrounded by forest. Even though the location is right next to a road, by it facing towards the lake it creates a very secluded atmosphere. You can nearly forget that it is in the midst of a city and that most likely everything around you has been placed there by human hand.
Why I burned it, I am not sure.
It seemed to be the right way to take my leave.
It was the first time I had been alone here in some weeks.
I had time to reflect in the quiet.
Being there, then, re-instituted my appreciation for the space.
It doesn’t need to be changed.
It speaks for itself.
24 minute recollection
I arrive lean my bike against the side of the brick structure, take my bag off and lay down my jacket right in the center of the location (and sit on it). Soon after arriving clouds cover the sun and the little bit of sunlight that was still poking through the trees disappeared. As ever when sitting here you can hear the constant noise from the road on the other side of the lake, this today was accompanied by the rushing of trees all around. I sit there contemplating for a little while, nothing in particular, just contemplating. I hear a scooter drive past on the road behind, oddly louder than usual, and what do you know it shoots in front of me and stops. A boy, probably in his late teens, steps of, he seems to be surprised to see me sitting there, in the middle on the floor, yet he greets me I greet him. That was all we spoke, he sits a little to the right of me (I’m facing out towards the lake), he smokes a cigarette, I smoke a cigarette. I wonder if he is waiting for someone, and no sooner did I think it I hear another scooter accompanied by another boy about the same age. They greet each other and start having a loud djesticulating conversation, I observe. Anyhow they start rolling their joints, oddly the second one leaves again but comes back 5mins later, I thought this slightly strange but didn’t question it further. I sit a little longer still contemplating but not knowing what I am contemplating.... maybe dinner? The two boys seemed quite entertaining yet I was hungry and felt I was intruding anyway, I head homewards.
Disturbance (?)
I went to the space to disturb.
I brought an accordion, that i dont know how to play.
But I set off with the intention to make some noise.