Hello again.. I'm happy you made it here!

In this exposition you will find a collection of materials that I have gathered during my studies of COMMA Master of Choreography. The stepping stones that are presented here will lead you through my journey of the past one and a half years.

My research is organised in different branches, very much like a rhizome. They all have their importance in my research and add to its totality. I'm the gardener who shapes this rhizome, making choices what to grow, what to neglect and what to get rid of. Following my interpretation of rhizomatic thinking I have made use of everything that came within range, what was closest as well as farthest away (Deleuze et al., 1987).

Although there is a chronological development in my research I structured the different branches into different spaces without a particular order or hierarchy. Explore them to learn more about what I did, experimented with, reflected on and found out.

The approach to this very personal practice-led artistic research has been mainly autoethnographic as it acknowledges and accommodates subjectivity, emotionality, and the researcher's influence on research, rather than hiding from these matters or assuming they don't exist (Ellis, 2010). The material I share in this exposition is meaningful to me personally and is an experiment to communicate what my artistic practice is about, using a variety of modalities.


I would like to invite you to get engaged with the materials, to make sense of them for yourself and to drift around through the different materials.

Have fun exploring! I hope you can take some inspiration with you…