When I was introduced to musical improvisation, it changed the way I experienced music, both as a listener and a performer.  The unpredictability and the processual character of the interplay gave an intense feeling of freedom and excitement, quite different from earlier experiences. I wanted to take part in this type of interplay.  I wanted to be in a new position as a performer; to create the music while playing it.

When I discovered the possibility of changing voice sound and the use of it as musical material through live electronics, this also put me in a new position as a performer. I could take part in the improvised interplay in new ways.This did not make me want to leave my position as a singer, the acoustic voice sound and the melodic lines and lyrics were important parts of my identity as a performer. I just wanted to have other opportunities as well.

2008-2012 I was a fellow in the Norwegian Artistic Research Fellowship Programme. The goal for my research was to explore further these opportunities. The following documentation and reflection is about this exploration, and was made available on my website  in february 2012.

Tone Åse


The voice and the machine- and the voice in the machine

            - now you see me, now you don’t-


Artistic Research in voice, live electronics and improvised interplay



Photo: Geir Mogen