
Assembling a Praxis: Choreographic Thinking and Curatorial Agency - Open House: A Portrait of Collecting (2023)

Lauren O'Neal

About this exposition

“Open House: A Portrait of Collecting,” a curatorial project held at the Lamont Gallery at Phillips Exeter Academy in 2015, is part of my doctoral research on “Assembling a Praxis: Choreographic Thinking and Curatorial Agency.” The "Open House" exhibition was initially about collecting and caring for objects, a traditional function of museums. Curating with a choreographic mindset encouraged me to address other questions, including how objects and collections foster emotional connections. My initial question for the project, “How to do things with objects?” soon became “How do objects arrange spaces of relation between people and ideas?” Themes include community, memory, identity, taxonomy, preservation, accumulation, value, story, exchange, and display. [This exposition corresponds to Section Five: Arranging Spaces of Relation(s): What Can Objects Do? in the printed dissertation.]
typeresearch exposition
keywordscuration, exhibition, collection, collecting, accumulation, memory, identity, story, choreographic, affect, objects, hospitality, disposition, knowledge, gallery
last modified26/05/2023
share statuspublic
copyright2023, Lauren O'Neal
licenseAll rights reserved
published inUniversity of the Arts Helsinki
portal issue2023. Uniarts Helsinki RC publications in 2023


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