
The use of the instrument in Aural Skills and Analysis lessons at the Royal Conservatoire The Hague (last edited: 2024)

Patrick van Deurzen
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open exposition

About this exposition

In this research, I show that music theory was until the 19th c. initiated by compositional practice and after that by a musicological practice. Or as Michiel Schuijer puts it: “… performers did not have a big stake in the development of contemporary music theory (…) It is not difficult to understand, then, why practicing musicians have never fully embraced the legacy of music theory”. This year, I began a pilot in which first-year trombone and percussion students bring their instrument to class, the results of which will be discussed in this presentation. I intend to demonstrate and reflect on the material I have developed so far, how it is used in class, how the idea of connecting to a 'players' practice can be formed in exercises and games, and how connections between playing, singing and knowing can be reinforced. I will reflect on the whole process and give some conclusions and ideas for further research.
typeresearch exposition
last modified04/03/2024
statusin progress
share statusshared in portal(s):
copyrightPatrick van Deurzen
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
connected toKC Research Portal

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2460997 Bach-Sarabande copyright holder CC BY-NC-ND
2461008 media4 copyright holder CC BY-NC-ND
2461013 Stockhausen-Aquarius copyright holder CC BY-NC-ND
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2463317 media6 copyright holder CC BY-NC-ND
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2472261 Bach1-9 copyright holder CC BY-NC-ND
2472263 Bach10-19 copyright holder CC BY-NC-ND
2472270 Bach27-49 copyright holder CC BY-NC-ND
2472285 BartokInthemist copyright holder CC BY-NC-ND
2472297 Bachsinging copyright holder CC BY-NC-ND
2472306 Bachsolfa copyright holder CC BY-NC-ND
2629383 routine-practice-scales copyright holder CC BY-NC-ND
2629387 scalesandchords copyright holder CC BY-NC-ND

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