
The Timbre of Tone, the Texture of Space: An Embodied Approach to the Atmospheric Modulations of Éliane Radigue (2020)

Mark Saccomano

About this exposition

The electronic music of Éliane Radigue provides a striking experience of sound, space, audition, and their interdependence - dramatically demonstrating the link between music perception and listener actions. Radigue’s musical structures are not fully realized until they are taken up by the listener; listening subject and musical object participate in an event that is mutually constitutive of these roles, articulating the space shared by both. Drawing on James J. Gibson’s (1986) ecological approach to perception, as well as Scott Marratto’s (2012) work on Merleau-Ponty’s theory of embodiment and meaning, I show that space is more than simply a transparent medium through which music flows: sonic characteristics of the music combine with bodily comportment to constitute a work wherein sounds come to inhabit space with the same material presence as the listener. By calling upon our capabilities as embodied listeners, Radigue’s music offers us an opportunity to become reattuned to our surroundings, presenting new possibilities for action within the spaces we inhabit.
typeresearch exposition
last modified07/09/2020
share statusprivate
licenseAll rights reserved
published inJournal of Sonic Studies
portal issue20. Issue 20


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