
Untitled (last edited: 2020)

Cecilia Berghäll

About this exposition

Dear reader, This is an exposition detailing the reality of how making art can produce and cultivate thought. It is a project that started with a methodical approach to natural light and aesthetics, that due to my empathetic response transformed into something bigger than myself. It became a metaphor for changing perspectives, getting out of comfort zones, putting in the effort, humans helping humans, and spreading ideas through aesthetics and curiosity. It has become a tool to connect and communicate with other people about difficult topics, and the dark side of human experience in an environment that is creative and beautiful. The exposition is ordered in linear chapters that you can access through the contents. Since the project itself has become a vessel for a number of topics all extremely significant and important. I have added resources as the last chapter. Nothing within the chapters will be discussed in excess but the exposition does contain the mention of suicide, sexual assault, and racism. - C
typeresearch exposition
keywordslight, architecture, aesthetics, wind, shadow, scenography, retrospective
last modified09/07/2020
statusin progress
share statuspublic
affiliationHKU Master's Sceneography 2018-2020
copyrightCecilia Berghäll
licenseAll rights reserved


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