
Zoological Architectures and Empty Frames (2024)

Katharina Swoboda

About this exposition

In general, zoo architecture directs the attention towards the animals. The buildings create ‘frames’ around the animals, as John Berger (1980) states in his 1977 essay ‘Why Look at Animals?’. Following this premise, my work explores visual and psychological aspects of framing, relating to animal housing. Judith Butler (2009) explains how (visual) framings always create meanings and evaluations of what is enclosed within them. Therefore, the representation of animals in human culture affects how we treat animals socio-politically. Zoos generate and communicate ongoing conceptions of zoo animals. Zoo architecture, although often in the background of one’s field of vision, forms an important factor in the construction of these ideas.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsanimals, zoo, architecture, video art, framing
last modified07/06/2024
share statusprivate
copyrightKatharina Swoboda
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
published inJournal for Artistic Research
portal issue26. 26

Simple Media

id name copyright license
948602 Wand, Leipzig Zoo Katharina Swoboda All rights reserved
948604 schwarz_weiss swoboda All rights reserved
954811 Zur Sache Schätzchen, Videoskizze (2013) Katharina Swoboda All rights reserved
954844 intro Katharina Swoboda All rights reserved
954888 Zur Sache Schätzchen Katharina Swoboda All rights reserved
955103 penguin_pool_2 Katharina Swoboda All rights reserved
955104 penguin_pool_4 katharina Swoboda All rights reserved
955105 penguin_pool_cut_out K.S. All rights reserved
955106 penguin_pool_cut_out_2 KS All rights reserved
955109 2 framing as praxis KS All rights reserved
955110 reconstructing_z KS All rights reserved
955111 reconstructing_z_testen KS All rights reserved
955112 4 frame within frame KS All rights reserved
955131 LAUFTEXT KS All rights reserved
955279 09_zur_sache_2020 Katharina Swoboda All rights reserved
1656057 swoboda_penguin_pool Katharina Swoboda All rights reserved
1656058 Reconstructing Z Katharina Swoboda All rights reserved
1656059 Zoographics Katharina Swoboda All rights reserved
1656060 lanovka (excerpt)_1 Katharina Swoboda All rights reserved
2869542 video 2 image Katharina Swoboda All rights reserved

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