
VOICE-ART-ABLE (last edited: 2022)

Yvon Bonenfant
no media files associated
open exposition

About this exposition

In 2019 an artistic team visited people who use a range of facilities operated by the Cope Foundation, in Cork, Ireland. Our intention was to explore what these people, a range of adults with mild to moderate learning disAbilities, enjoyed doing with their voices, when freed from the constraints of having to 'sing well' or 'speak well', and then to invite these voicings inside a co-creative art process. Our ultimate goal was to create concepts and designs for a voice-art interface that would best facilitate this demographic of users to make their own vocal art, and in celebrating their vocal uniqueness.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsvoice, Disability, Installation Art, responsive, interactive art, co-creation, extended voice
last modified24/07/2022
statusin progress
share statuspublic
affiliationUniversity College Cork, Ireland
copyrightYvon Bonenfant, Jeff Weeter, Alex Pentek, Julie O'Leary, Anonymised co-Creators
licenseAll rights reserved


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