This is the project description of my first artistic research project within the frame of the graduate school "Performing Citizenship" (HCU/Hamburg).
Title of the project:
Marching Session I-VI. Interaktive (Lecture-) Performance für Mit-Läufer und Schritt-Macher.
In the first phase I conducted six research workshops to research different topics:
I March and object
II March and film / documentation
III March and choreography
IV March and sound
V March and costume
VI March and voice
The outcome of the six research workshops was presented in a lecture performance at k3 - Choreographic Center in Hamburg/Germany (24.4.2016).
Research & Performance: Liz Rech
Objects: Kathrin Affentranger
After the lecture there was a physical workshop phase together with the audience. Finally the audience filled out a questionary.