
Trennungssongs of Togetherness (last edited: 2020)

Paul Norman

About this exposition

**WIP** How do you make a piece about Europe without talking about Europe? Separation: the action or state of moving or being moved apart. Song: a set of words set to music or meant to be sung Togetherness: the state of being close to another person or other people. Paul Norman and Leander Ripchinsky, choose not to take separation, song or togetherness at face value, but through the act of game-playing gently coax something resembling meaning from its hiding place. As an audience we are asked to park our expectations, taking the chance to busy ourselves with rules and words and sounds and all kinds of decision-making. How do you make a piece about Brexit without talking about Brexit?
typeresearch exposition
keywordsperformance, concept, art, Practice-as-research, practice-based research
last modified26/05/2020
statusin progress
share statuspublic
copyrightDr Paul Norman + Leander Ripchinsky
licenseAll rights reserved


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