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Sonic Complexion (2022)

Jacob Anderskov, Niclas Hundahl

About this exposition

The Sonic Complexion project has investigated from an artistic perspective the musical dimensions texture and ‘klang’ (harmony), with the aim of creating new music and new perspectives. The outcomes of the project are a number of new albums, methodologies and perspectives, coming from quite different starting point in terms of how to systematically-artistically investigate texture and harmony.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsTexture, music, improvisation, new music, modernism, harmony, metaphor, composition, composer as performer, mapping, mental representation, parameters vs gestures, RMC staff
last modified07/06/2022
share statusprivate
affiliationRhythmic Music Conservatory, Copenhagen
copyrightJacob Anderskov
licenseAll rights reserved
published inRhythmic Music Conservatory, Copenhagen
portal issue3. Staff Publications 2022
connected toRhythmic Music Conservatory, Copenhagen


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