
Materials of Sound II (2019)

Caleb Kelly

About this exposition

This is the second issue of the Journal of Sonic Studies focused on the Materials of Sound (see issue no. 16). At the heart of these two issues is something of a twist in sonic thinking that sees the authors thinking about sound as more than sound, the opposite of Cage’s dictum of letting sound be itself – as hearing sound as sound. Instead, the materials that produce the sounds under investigation are understood as being more than the sounds that they create. Sound is not heard as innocent, pure, or transparent but rather as a part of a political ecology in which it is deeply linked to various histories and ecologies that form and hold the materials of any sound’s making.
typeresearch exposition
last modified15/07/2019
share statusprivate
licenseAll rights reserved
published inJournal of Sonic Studies
portal issue18. Issue 18


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