
Assembling a Praxis: Choreographic Thinking and Curatorial Agency - Clew: A Rich and Rewarding DIsorientation (2024)

Lauren O'Neal

About this exposition

This exposition examines the curatorial project "Clew: A Rich and Rewarding Disorientation," held at the Lamont Gallery at Phillips Exeter Academy in 2017. The project is part of my doctoral research on “Assembling a Praxis: Choreographic Thinking and Curatorial Agency.” “Clew” proposes a framework for curatorial dramaturgy and asks: What is the potential of a dramaturgical approach within an open-ended exhibition structure? Who, or what, is the curatorial dramaturg? How do materials and time contribute to unfolding exhibition narratives? [This exposition corresponds to Section Six: Extending Lines in All Directions: Curatorial Dramaturgy in the printed dissertation.]
typeresearch exposition
keywordscuration, exhibition, dramaturgy, arranging, process, dialogue, painting, poetry, sound, installation, immersive, sustained, attention, public, embedded, open-ended, haptic visuality, encounter, choreographic, gallery, doctoral thesis
last modified22/05/2024
share statuspublic
copyright2023, Lauren O'Neal
licenseAll rights reserved
published inUniversity of the Arts Helsinki
portal issue2023. Uniarts Helsinki RC publications in 2023


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