
About exchanging a portrait • (2016)

Gert Germeraad

About this exposition

This is a text concerning artistic processes. It has a starting point in a project where I am making a portrait of a colleague artist while he is making mine. During the making of this portrait and thereafter I question my ways of working in which I occasionally find myself confronted with artistic blocks. In a period of two and a half years I investigate and articulate my artistic process as it meanders and expends over the different attitudes and problems I encounter in my work. I give a critical analysis of my motives and working methods and try to extend the range of possible ways of working. This text can be read as an extension of my previous text "Rationality, Intuition and Emotion, exploring an artistic process" that is published in the Journal for Artistic Research, JAR 3.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsportraiture, Sculpture, drawing, artistic blocks, process orientated, artistic processes
last modified14/04/2016
share statusshared with registered RC users
affiliationBörje Lindberg
licenseAll rights reserved
published inResearch Catalogue


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