
Tracing gravity (2019)

Geir Harald Samuelsen

About this exposition

The goal of this exposition is to investigate the particular qualities of painting and mountain climbing. Do they have their own aesthetics, their own processes and patterns of movement, their own environmental structures and psychology – and do they share some of these characteristics? The texts and pictures in this exposition, four essays all together, deal with the potential of mountain climbing and painting to map out space, quietude, euphoria, fear, skill, autonomy, instrumentality and movement in an expanded field.

I dette prosjektet undersøkes maleriets- og fjellklatringens egenart, instrumentalitet og autonomi. Er de lukket inne i seg selv, sine egne mønstre, sine egne bilder og sin egen psykologi, eller kan de også ha noe til felles? Tekstene og bildene i denne eksposisjonen, fire i alt, handler om klatringen- og maleriets potensial for å kartlegge rom, stillhet, eufori, ferdighet og bevegelse i et utvidet felt.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsvideoart, mapping, Skill, deskilling, fall, space, movement, autonomy, instrumentally, abstract painting, mountain climbing
last modified24/01/2019
share statusprivate
affiliationKunstakademiet – institutt for samtidskunst / Universitetet i Bergen
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
published inVIS - Nordic Journal for Artistic Research
portal issue1. VIS Issue 1
connected toFaculty of Fine Art, Music and Design, University of Bergen


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