
Monsters I Love: On Multivocal Arts (2019)

Alex Nowitz

About this exposition

Proposing a ‘multivocal practice’ in the vocal arts, this exposition (documented artistic research project) embodies an inclusive approach to four core categories for the contemporary performance voice: the singing, speaking, extended and disembodied voice. The culmination of a four-year PhD project in Artistic Practices (Performative and Mediated Practices, with specialisations in choreography/film and media/opera /performing arts), it documents artistic research sub-projects through the presentation of multimedia material, interweaving performance recordings with reflective and contextualising texts. Multivocality addresses various models of virtuosity, all of which are informed by a multi-faceted artistic knowledge, whether experimental or experiential, technical or technological, improvisational or compositional. Contemporary vocal performance practices are loaded by questions pertaining to detecting and solving technical issues that span the vocal domains. Through a range of artistic practices—vocal, oral, bodily and technology-related—the research project unfolds what is conceived as a bountiful ‘vocal imaginary’. When voice and body meet technology-related practices that aim at the expansion of the vocal realm by using custom and gesture-controlled live electronics, a performance æsthetics of the in-between emerges. This is explored via the ‘strophonion’, formerly built at STEIM in Amsterdam and, during the course of the PhD, further developed by Berlin-based software programmer Sukandar Kartadinata who created an intricate configuration on the basis of the audio processing application Max/MSP. Through the formulation and performance of ‘The Manifesto for the Multivocal Voice’—a ‘discursive solo performance act’ that aims to provide insights into principles and premises, and to develop the discourse on the politics of today’s performance voice—the exposition attempts to establish a potential theoretical and philosophical grounding for multivocality. Its second major concern relates to the poetics of the voice, investigating the thresholds of highly individualised vocal practices by asking: what are the boundaries of the contemporary performance voice? The exposition (on the Research Catalogue) comprises video and audio documentation of public live performances, lectures and artists’ talks as well as studio productions and rehearsals. The user is invited to study scores and various texts, such as poems, extended programme notes, translations, performance instructions, comments and other reflections. The collection of essays and articles that guide the user through the edifice of ideas that the artistic research project has unveiled remains central to the endeavour.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsacousmatic and disembodied voice, æsthetics of uncertainty and in-between, composer-performer, contemporary vocal performance art, custom musical instrument, DIY, digital musical instrument (DMI), electronic and electroacoustic music, expanding the field of vocal performance art, extended practice, extended vocal techniques, extending the voice, gesture-controlled live electronics, improvisation and real-time composition, inclusive vocal performance practises, interactive sound and music, multidirectional listening, multivocality, multivocal voice, new vocality, sampling practises for vocal and musical improvisation, schizophonic practices, sensor-based and computer-based technology, singer-composer, sound art, sound technology, STEIM, strophonion, vocal materiality and liminality, vocal personas, vocal sound dance, wireless technology
last modified04/02/2019
share statuspublic
affiliationUniversity College of Opera at the Stockholm University of the Arts
licenseAll rights reserved
published inStockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
portal issue0. X-position
external linkwww.nowitz.de

Simple Media

id name copyright license
492706 WasIchTue_Bounce_03_MixOrgRvrb_16_44.1 Kopie Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
492739 AuditivVokal_Praesentation_Was ich tue shrtnd 2_+11db_newframe Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
492750 Schaumspuren_03_komplett Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
492757 AuditivVokal_Praesentation_Schaumspuren Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
492980 AuralScore_AudioTemplate Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
492983 Aural Score: The Live Version Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
492985 Aural Score: The Live Version (left channel) And The Audio Template (right channel) Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
492988 Panache (Angela Wingerath) Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
492990 Panache (Timo Hannig) Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
492992 Panache (Carl Thiemt) Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
492994 Panache (Felix Schwandtke) Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
492996 Panache (Maria Meckel) Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493011 Manifesto Plymouth2018_Lecture_part 1 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493013 Manifesto Plymouth2018_Lecture_part 2 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493015 Nowitz_Rose_Duet_Nownow2015_part 1 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493037 Nowitz_Rose_Duet_Nownow2015_part 2 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493044 Nowitz_Rose_Duet_Nownow2015_part 3 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493055 Goldbergtangenten Dortmund_Perf_part 1 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493069 Goldbergtangenten Dortmund_Perf_part 2 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493075 Goldbergtangenten Dortmund_Perf_part 3 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493085 ImElement2016_Cut2018_Compr5Mbps Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493099 Asterina_TEASER_from Improvisation 2 and 3 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493103 Asterina_Impro_3_The End a All rights reserved
493107 Asterina_Impro_1_short version Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493257 Minotaurus_Tongues&Ghosts_Audiorama2015_Cut2018_compr5Mbps Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493268 Welcome To This One Voice (Tongues&Ghosts, Audiorama Stockholm) Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493274 MoencheAmMeer_Tongues&Ghosts_fabrik2016_Cut2018 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493290 Onomatopoeticus Rex_Tongues&Ghosts_fabrik2016 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493314 Schaumspuren_Tongues&Ghosts_fabrik2016 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493341 Mundfundstuecke_Tongues&Ghosts_fabrik2016 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493760 Onomatopoeticus Rex I_T4 take 1b_03:30min_Final 02 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493763 Schaumspuren_T2 take 8b_9_Final 03_mit Text Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493765 Onomatopoeticus Rex II_T4 take 14 e_01:07_Final_01 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493810 Exessive_Position_Frame_01 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493823 Exessive_Position_Frame_01 cropped01 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493828 Exessive_Position_Frame_02 cropped01 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493856 Relaxation Postures_23Mbps Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493871 Relaxation Positions_silent_inclChapterMarkers_23Mbps Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493922 DirrDarrDurr_ZuLeise Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
493945 Improvisation for countertenor and cymbals_CT_Zimbel_dry_13Mbps_Whistle_Zimbel_CT_Kargyra_Sequenz 4_Z_CT_trocken Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494038 Panache_Score_Page 1 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494040 Panache_Score_Page 1 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494042 Panache_Score_all pages_Performance_Instructions_2ndRevision Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494158 Panache_Titelbild Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494159 CT_Zimbel_Zuspiel_13Mbps_Whistle_Zimbel_CT_Kargyra_Sequenz 4_Z_CT_frwd+bckwrd Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494161 Frame_Countertenor_Zimbeln_01 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494174 CT_Zimbel_Reverb_13Mbps_Whistle_Zimbel_CT_Kargyra_Sequenz 4_Z_CT_mit etw.Hall (-8db) Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494178 Impro (Panache-like)_Without KindSchafftTraeume Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494181 Frame 01_Improvisation_part2 without FrauSchafftRaeume Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494285 Improvisation_part2_without FrauSchafftRaeume_cut2_13Mbps Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494287 Poem_Frau-schafft_Raeume_+9db_13Mbps Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494291 Poem_Kind-schafft-Traeume_+9db_13Mbps Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494295 Frame_(Tr)o(ime)_Poem_Frau-schafft_Raeume_+9db Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494297 GlottisBeats_13Mbps_Whistle_Zimbel_CT_Kargyra_Sequenz 3_GlottisBeats Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494301 Frame_Tongue Slaps Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494302 Schaumspuren_04_27July2018_Column01 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494304 Schaumspuren_04_27July2018_Column02 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494307 Schaumspuren_04_27July2018_Column03 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494309 Schaumspuren_04_27July2018_Column04_AuthorDatePlace Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494313 Frame_Titel_Schaumspuren Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494374 Frame01_AuditivVokal_Praesentation_Schaumspuren_cropped Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494537 HumWhistle_Whistle_Zimbel_CT_Kargyra_Sequenz 2_13Mbps Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494555 Kargyraa_dry_Whistle_Zimbel_CT_Kargyra_Sequenz 5_Krgr_trocken (+2Db) Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494558 Kargyraa_withReverb_Whistle_Zimbel_CT_Kargyra_Sequenz 5_Krgr_Mix (trocken+1Db_Hall-10Db) Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494564 Impro_Seq1_13Mbps_T2_tk14a+b+c_Improvisation Sequ. 1 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494566 Impro_Seq2_9Mbps_T2_tk14a+b+c_Improvisation Sequ. 2 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494576 Frame_closed eyes_mouth open Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494579 Frame_Kargyraa 01 a All rights reserved
494580 Frame_Impro_Seq1_01 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494671 PlayingWithPanache_LONG_version_T4 take 16 playing with panache long version_Final 01 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494674 Typewriter_T4 take 14 c new audio Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494681 Frame_Playing with Panache_01 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494684 Whistling_Studies 01_13Mbps Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494689 Whistling_Studies 02_13Mbps Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494692 Playing with tongue slaps on the glottis_LIVE REC_T4 take 14 a new audio Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494693 Frame_Hum-Whistles_MouthToolSounds_no.2 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494694 Frame_IngressivePhonation_Hum-Whistles_MouthToolSounds_no.2 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494696 Playing with tongue slaps on the glottis_PRE-REC_T4 take 14 b new audio Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494700 T4 take 14 d new audio_Hum-Whistling, recording failed?, bird whistles Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494972 Ich bin das Volk_Orchesterminiatur_Alex Nowitz_18_transp Kopie_0000 (1)_25Percent Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494976 Orchesterminiatur_18_transp Kopie_0000 (1) Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494978 Orchesterminiatur_18_transp Kopie_0000 (2) Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494980 Orchesterminiatur_18_transp Kopie_0001 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494982 Orchesterminiatur_18_transp Kopie_0002 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494984 Orchesterminiatur_18_transp Kopie_0003 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494987 Orchesterminiatur_18_transp Kopie_0004 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494989 Orchesterminiatur_18_transp Kopie_0005 a All rights reserved
494992 Orchesterminiatur_18_transp Kopie_0006 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494995 Orchesterminiatur_18_transp Kopie_0007 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
494997 Orchesterminiatur_18_transp Kopie_0008 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495000 Orchesterminiatur_18_transp Kopie_0009 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495002 Orchesterminiatur_18_transp Kopie_0010 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495005 Orchesterminiatur_18_transp Kopie_0011 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495013 Orchesterminiatur_18_transp Kopie_0012 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495017 Orchesterminiatur_18_transp Kopie_0013 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495020 Orchesterminiatur_18_transp Kopie_0014 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495023 Orchesterminiatur_18_transp Kopie_0015 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495087 Orchesterminiatur_18_transp - Partitur (Miniatur für großes Orchester) Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495093 Nowitz_Ich bin das Volk_PrgNote_04 cropped_no bio Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495115 ProgrammeNote_GrusskartenVonBewohnernEinerUnentdecktenWelt_06_formating Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495221 Nowitz_Kaspar_InAllOfUs_ 03_Layout_NORM copy Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495752 TonguesAndGhosts_Program_Audiorama Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495769 T&G prg Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495784 MoenchAmMeer_Sprechperf_2011_Page 2 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495813 Kaspar_Pno_Vlc_EHn_30 - Partitur Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495820 Essay_GrusskartenVonBewohnernEinerUnentdecktenWelt_07_formating copy Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495821 Image_GrußkartenVonBewohnernEinerUnentdeckten Welt_AusstellungsKaertchen Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495822 Image_Bitte nicht berühren!_Ausstellungs_Kaertchen Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495828 Image_GK_01_NotenUnterLupe_05_171027_10NowitzGKarten Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495829 Image_GK_02_scharf_ohne Lupe_04_171027_18NowitzGKarten Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495830 Image_GK_03_Lupe_00_171027_20NowitzGKarten Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495831 Image_GK_04_Lupe_Hand_09_Grußkarten Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495832 Image_GK_05_Lupe_PrgNote_02_171027_04NowitzGKarten Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495833 GK_06_komplett_inkl. Tisch_03_171027_17NowitzGKarten Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495855 Image_Mundfundstuecke_Kaertchen171029_65Ausstellung Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495857 Image_Mundfundstuecke_Close-up_171029_46Ausstellung Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
495858 Image_Mundfundstuecke_ImRaum_171029_50Ausstellung Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
496279 Manifesto_ENGLISH_ManifestoOf TheMultivocalVoice_GERMAN_17_ENGLISH_18_FTsection RHrev_AN_ohneHighlights Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
496308 Manifest der vielstimmigen Stimme_GERMAN_19 copy_100%SEMINAR Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
496420 AufschlussDerZwischenraeume_ImImprovisationsspielVonStimmeUndKlavier_Page1-13 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
496481 Im Element_ Gestures_PhD publication_part ONE Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
496500 Frame_Asterina_Schaumspuren_cropped Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
496587 AuditivVokal_Praesentation_Intro shrtnd Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
496604 WasIchTue_SSTBB_ThBernhard_05 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
496643 Image_Grußkarten_prg_note Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
496647 Image_Mundfundstücke_Video solo Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
496658 Strophonion_Equipment Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
496661 NowitzStrophonion_Original_JaninaJanke a All rights reserved
496692 HauntedTerritories_NowitzLamarca_Premiere04Feb2018 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
496696 'Haunted Territories' Florencia Lamarca & Alex Nowitz_03 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
496697 'Haunted Territories' Florencia Lamarca & Alex Nowitz_03 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
496720 InterviewedByTheAudience_HauntedTerritories_GP2018-02-04 20-55-40C0023 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
496725 Alex Nowitz in 'Haunted Territories'_03_cropped Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
496732 strophonion's sw. architect_03min55sec Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
496736 STROPH-Documentation_QUICK_13June2018.xlsx Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
496996 Intercourse with Ghosts_Haunted Territories_ESSAY_11 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
499134 014_Mouth is the Place_04_title Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
499155 BlackSlides, in loose order Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
499158 WhiteSlides, in loose order Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
501552 Note on Postcolonial Issue Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
501580 Critique by Marica Bodrozic_2 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
502824 AuralScore_AUDIO MIX_LiveVersion+AudioTemplate Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
502905 T2_tk13b_1_Zimbln_CT_FrwrdRvrsMIX_PTBounce Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
502907 Haunted Territories, part 1_The Duet Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
502911 Haunted Territories, part 2_The Solo Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
502921 'Haunted Territories' Florencia Lamarca_Alex Nowitz_03 tiff Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
502926 Image Artist Talk 03 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
503329 WhiteSlides, in loose order_02 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
503334 TheBlackSlides, in loose order_02 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
504350 ACOUNT OF PhD_Sub-projects_Seminars_Courses, Activities_2Sept alex nowitz All rights reserved
504351 AlexNowitz_FinalSeminar_Examination Plannings alex nowitz All rights reserved
511040 Image_Monsters I Love A All rights reserved
511126 Image_Monsters I Love_02 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
511130 Image_Introduction box Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
512515 014_MONSTERS I LOVE_08_title Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
549703 Introduction to The Field_20 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
549707 Introduction to The Field_21 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
549708 Introduction to The Field_22 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
549776 Introduction to The Field_23 ALex Nowitz All rights reserved
549931 Introduction to MONSTERS I LOVE_15 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
549932 Introduction to The Field_24 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
550311 Introduction to The Field_25 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
550312 Introduction to MONSTERS I LOVE_16 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
559748 MOVING TONGUE PT 1A Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
559794 MOVING TONGUE PT 1B Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
559797 Stroph_Series_01 (up)_PhD Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
559799 MOVING TONGUE PT 2 0110 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
559802 Stroph_Series_02 (down)_PhD Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560044 ARWEI proceedings_Manifesto_380-394_full extraction copy Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560048 ARWEI proceedings_Manifesto_380-394_full extraction Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560049 CEC — eContact! 18.3 — Designing and Playing the Strophonion: Extending vocal art performance using a custom digital musical instrument by Alex Nowitz copy Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560082 Moving Tongues_Frame double image 01 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560365 ESSAY_Cover_Intercourse with Gthosts Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560366 ESSAY_Cover_Intercourse with Gthosts Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560367 ESSAY_Cover_Intercourse with Gthosts Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560368 Article_Cover_Designing Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560369 Article_Cover_ The Manifesto for the Multivocal Voice Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560370 Essay_Cover_Doing Things with the Mouth Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560371 ESSAY_Cover_Introduction to the FIELD Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560374 ESSAY_Cover_Introduction to ARP Monsters Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560375 ESSAY_Cover_Introduction to ARP Monsters Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560377 ESSAY_Cover_Concluding Remarks Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560379 ESSAY_Cover_References Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560380 GLOSSARY_Cover Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560382 Acknowledements_Cover_01 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560388 Intercourse with Ghosts_Haunted Territories_ESSAY_16 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560389 Intercourse with Ghosts_Haunted Territories_ESSAY_16 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560522 12_Monsters I Love_Acknowledgements Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560543 Concluding Remarks_04 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560564 Intercourse with Ghosts_Haunted Territories_ESSAY_17 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560570 11_Monsters I Love_Acknowledgements_03 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560574 ARWEI proceedings_Manifesto_380-394_full extraction_Reference copy Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560587 Doing things with the Mouth—an excursion_02 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560589 Doing things with the Mouth—an excursion_02 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560590 Doing things with the Mouth—an excursion_02 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560636 Introduction to MONSTERS I LOVE_21 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560637 ESSAY_Cover_Introduction to the EXPOSITION Monsters Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560639 CEC — eContact! 18.3 — Designing and Playing the Strophonion: Extending vocal art performance using a custom digital musical instrument by Alex Nowitz copy_REFERENCE Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560641 Introduction to The Field_29 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560730 Foto THE STILL, silent Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560754 Monsters I Love_Glossary_05 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
560765 Monsters I Love_BIBLIOGRAPHY_02 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
562822 Introduction to MONSTERS I LOVE_21_CorrectedLink Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
562833 Introduction to The Field_29_CorrectedLink Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
562839 Doing things with the Mouth—an excursion_02_CorrectedLink Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
562943 Intercourse with Ghosts_Haunted Territories_ESSAY_17_Corrected Link Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
563032 Concluding Remarks_04_Corrected Link Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
563033 Monsters I Love_Glossary_05_Corrected Link Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
563034 Monsters I Love_Glossary_05_Corrected Link_02 Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
563035 Monsters I Love_BIBLIOGRAPHY_02_CorrectedLink Alex Nowitz All rights reserved
563038 11_Monsters I Love_Acknowledgements_03_Corrected Link Alex Nowitz All rights reserved

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